Mon, 04/01/2024 - 17:14
Edited Text


The Lawrence and Alma Berk Recital Hall, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston
Wednesday July 31, 1996 7:00 p.m.

Senior Guitar Recital
presented by
Tosso Hettinger

DI i i s e e A R A A L R o S A R e C. Brown
I s 5 i bl vl o s ol s s ot o s e Lo e BRI e -t S Bt D. Byrd
BT - DRI i s i B s e SR SR oS e R T. Monk
DTN DEENNNE. . o o o osiiiic o Snviiimvars ek b s R U e s b Com e G R T. Hettinger
BT L o i s b RN s o IR e s R A.C. Jobim
SRR i i e b R e RS S K. Washington
I i b il e R b i e Tine W. Shorter

The Performers

Piano, Takashi Kudo
Guitar, Tosso Hettinger
Bass, Jane Wang
Drums, Scott Goulding

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Music.