Edited Text

The Lawrence and Alma Berk Recital Hall, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston
Tuesday, April 2, 1996 7:00 p.m.

Senior Percussion Recital

presented by

Roberto Hale
TENINER v i v TR O U S i eas 44 o eI S ety o e Alejandro Mercado
L E1E T i iR S W G SRR e R St L R e v Antonio Gandia
EVe i NN o 0 i G o it s A TPl e s i S Herbie Hancock
A I avE R S i (it n s i 55 erdh s sas e i dadathe s ou ime s e BRSER s TR I o Beto Hale
BRI L i T ais o et SO B s ST P LR O RS o s P SO Pl O 5 U Sting
i e e By Rl B R 0 ST v AR S e S T Peter Gabriel
Prowding 8 568 O LIOE. .../ it i G s iversokes Abathasiasgsdtassiomiotistsn cosi Bk sbemdetrse Beto Hale
BRI B LE . i i i nins i o e+ s VRS (VEoh ol GRS Pl Aenvhks hiing bbb s A Peter Gabriel
L30Ty SR R R S SO e 9l e S e R e Dragone-Tadros-Amesse-Dupére

The Performers

Voice, Deanna Della Cioppa, Winchester, MA
Voice, Ryan Pennington, Bothell, MA
Soprano/Tenor Saxophone, Stephan Kammerer, Copenhagen, Denmark
Guitar, Anthony Fesmire, Wattsonville, CA
Piano/Keyboards, Alejandro Mercado, Mexico Coty, Mexico
Bass, Antonio Gandia, Mexico City, Mexico
Drums/Voice, Beto Hale, Mexico City, Mexico

In partiial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Music.