Tue, 02/06/2024 - 13:28
Edited Text

The Lawrence and Alma Berk Recital, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston

Tuesday, March 12, 1996 7:00 p.m.

Senior Guitar Recital
presented by
Vincent Gillioz


Satabande (Trom Pl N L 10 B IHNOE). . i isine ke s iessars s shs b ridss J.S. Bach (1685-1750)
RDINEND ol . v R B o i U s b A IR i i s e O S F. Tarrega
PrSlRiE IOa 3 e i i oo, s ok P s b chy o4 Ty s o SRR P Pl 50 H. Villa-Lobos
Thedtrithowvith the Flamen FIalt oo o oisi ol i hdi. e e iy il C. Debussy (1862-1918)
BRI ERE o R R R T S e Miles Davis/Vincent Gillioz
Mediterranean SURRSICE/RID ABCHO ..., . i i voressivossasasitsssscobons Al di Meola-Paco de Lucia
Tu Viens, ou bien? (Are you coming, or what?).........ceceevuervinnrnnnenne. Vincent Gilloz-Sanjeev Kale
Studie tiber Meltlelaioe (CROrdal SINAIES). i -t i (i dhivin daerss ordasusysnsbonns siivasbos Vincent Gillioz
Les Versel Balimigoes (Botaie Wersosh i 0, LG L ninanbsats skonein Vincent Gillioz
973 LR Rl il O L R TR b i S haet IR IR S S O e Giacomo Biondi-Morra
The Sinkine MAn I e PRIAMAS. ol o i i il i s b it Vincent Gillioz
0. e i i s st s 2T AR A M 5 s v el Vincent Gillioz
The Performers

Oboe, P.—Emmanuelle Somer, Bruxelles, Belgium
Guitar, Vincent Gillioz, Geneva, Switzerland
Guitar, Emmanuel Hongrecker, Geneva, Switzerland
Guitar, Sanjeev Kale, Bombay, India (Berklee Staff)
Synthesiser, Giacomo Biondi-Morra, Bruxelles, Belgium
Bass, Ronald Solano, Barcelona, Spain
Drums, Robert M. Buckley, Grosseile, M1

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Music.

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