Mon, 07/17/2023 - 17:47
Edited Text
Berldee Gelleqe of [usfis

Recital Hall, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston
Monday, December 11, 1978, 7:30 pm


presented by

SEPRY TR of L s s ke i e Y e H. White
Sonaba 483" 0 hi i L O e R R R SR R R D. Searlatti

5 R R T e, TR s et SO e R R e Ex b b s «» H. Vella=Loboa

Gaprice NO A i i e s ca M. Carasst
ORREINN L i ey D i e ey B e LS ek A. Segovia

(1893- )
SERBDRAAIGIER . oo o ih v i e i e R s ¥.9. Bach
from Violin Sonata im D Minor (1685-1750)


Prelude No . -1 oo Lo i cla i e i A. Steinborn
Prelyde (No: Qoo o0 s sl L0 e e G e H. Villa-Lobos
English Sulke .o oyidiin o o0 eyl o L e J.W. Duarte
Prelude/Folk Song/Round Dance
DOBG PONE I Remeubet ARril ..ol i ST ek . Raye/DePaul/Johnstone
New - York CONREecCEion ., in v ol v e SR Py Seott
At o )

Piano, BOBBY FRANCAVILLO, Endicott, New York
Guitar, RUDOLPH BUCK, Albany, New York
Bass, TONY OPPENHEIM, Monticello, New York
Drums, MIKE NAIFEH, Tulsa, Oklahoma

*In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
Degree of Bachelor of Music