Mon, 07/17/2023 - 17:46
Edited Text
Berklee Gaelllege off (ugie

Recital Hall, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston
Friday, December 8, 1978, 4:30 pm


under the direction of

DUSEYILIG ... . .vnsbii vl Al R e i S L Horace Silver
Speale NO-BEVIL (6 i i e v e e e e e Wayne Shorter
Yaur Smlle ... i imbnis il v coi sl +.s Barry 0'Toole
Right In Tuni@ia (5.l eni il c o iiosananise Dizzy Gillesptie
Skating In Contral PREE ... 0 it ivainavaveioanmes John Lewtis
Enlightenment ... . iaiisdonanei invin AR AR Barry 0'Toole
Momtnts Notioe ... iiiiivioaeil A cn biesis L G John Coltrane
Nadma, (ovie i aa aii sl Ll sWn s e sl et o John Coltrane
DIE0 ... o e i s sl e B L e i e Sonny Rollins

Alto Saxophone, BARRY O'TOOLE, Needham, Massachusetts
Piano, MARK ROSSI, Needham, Massachusetts
Bass, DAVE HUGHES, Baltimore, Maryland
Drums, GUNNAR WENNEBORG, Stockholm, Sweden