Mon, 07/17/2023 - 17:45
Edited Text
Berklee College off Mude

Recital Hall, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston
Thursday, December ¢. 19%8, 7:30 .pm


presented by

MazurReiPratade | oo il il N i e s s H. Villa-Lobos

Four Short Pieces:

La Filde Misc Chevenx BeoLdn oo ot oo s ol G0 o C. Debussy
Nitaht Wipd On Thetleath (o s v e o g g g s ool o J. Duarte
Acolaan Ao o 80 al g el e s e d. Duarite
BStudios Sencdlles No. loe g g e v S oo i L. Brouwer
Seohdtina ©iervoat s T s R e e e L e F. Moreno Torroba

I. Allegretio
II. Andante
111. Aliagro


Bota ‘Bnetun o, s ciibiliihiseitnssvianingtioh i Voiahy N. Paganini
Al 4En A Bow & o oie o s s s A i e s s e e Duarte
Blues By Five ..............; ........................... M. Davis
OEe0 . sv il et e G s, o L E e L o S. Bollins
Antigua @i sl i e L s U e e K. Prinece
Three Card MOl Ly & 000 0 o e e i . e s E. Jones

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Guitar, MICHAEL D. BEVAN, Alexandria, Virginia
Guitar, MICHAEL HOGAN, Waverly, New York
Bass, PETER B, OLSON, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Drums, JOE LOPEZ, Long Island, New York

*In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
Degree of Bachelor of Music