Fri, 07/07/2023 - 14:22
Edited Text


The Lawrence and Alma Berk Recital Hall, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston
Friday, August 6, 1999 4:00 p.m.

presented by
Chi Won Lee
B I i i L o e e R s s John
I i i b b i s i Rt sl John Scofield
DU I R e i e D e i S e John Scofield
SRR TR it et il s i i it s bbb b R o ss i Bob Haggard-Johnny Burke
e RN SRR e T R P R i SR SR A 8 A Clifford Brown
DU - - i i e i i i e e i bbb e e e Chi Won Lee

The Performers

Alto Sax, Sungjae Sohn, Seoul, Korea
Guitar, Chi Won Lee, Seoul, Korea
Bass, Chang Hyun Kim, Seoul, Korea
Drums, Ywiro Nakamura, Tokyo, Japan