Mon, 07/10/2023 - 09:38
Edited Text
The Afternoon Hang

presented by
Jeff Perry
ChBb SObE s e S R R e R s e e e Medeski, Martin & Wood
S R O T e s e L e e T s Faillace
The Performers

Piano, Brendan Karalekas
Guitar, Matthew Faillace, Weston, CT
Guitar, Jason Wolley, Houston, TX
Bass, Misha Mross, Putney, VT
Drums, Pablo Lopez-Douzoglou, Potomac, MD

Every Jumpin’ Child

presented by
Rich Grudzinski
Ui JaC K R S e e L N nn i oh e Jagger-Richards
Byery Breath Y ouEake s s e e O i e o i s N Sting
Sweet Child:Of Mine s et e ol s senl o astalil it s Ll i aiianan g Guns ‘n’ Roses
The Performers

Vocals, Brandon Cave, Ann Arbor, MI
Vocal, monica Moran, Hyde Park, MA
Vocal, Katie Ward, Sharon, MA
Piano, Nate Thompson, Los Angeles, CA
Guitar, John Palmieri, Medford, MA
Guitar, Cleophus Thomas, Anniston, AL
Bass, Alfredo Arcos, Mexico City, Mexico
Drums, Charles Deptret, Paris, France

Fusion Ensemble (The Danish Skong Beat)

presented by
Grayson Hugh
Gonna'Have A Bunky Good FIme sk i a2 s a it h ol caiaid b ion James Broun/G. Hugh-Ensemble
DISApPeaEINg. .o R i e i sk B. Laswel-S. Sharrock-O’Dora-M. Beinhorn-F. Maher/G. Hugh
The Performers

Synthesizer, Keith Milkowski, Brookline, NH
Electric Bass/Percussion, Oliverbridge, NY
Drums, Marc Burkhardt, Corona, CA

The Early Birds
presented by
Jeff Perry
Watermelon M i L e o e e s L o s v i e et Hancock
Meetey VT MO o e e o e e Tvo o insomsanitsidonins D s s onoisi ontisoios sth Zawinul
The Performers

Guitar, Matt Aronson, Harrisburg, PA
Guitar, Jose Portilla, Mexico City, Mexico
Bass, David Vrooman, Ann Anrbor, MI
Drums, Aaron, Samuel, Framingham, MA