Wed, 04/10/2024 - 15:11
Edited Text

Recital Hall 1W, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston
Thursday, August 8, 1996 4:00 p.m.

No Name Jazz Ensemble presented by Kris Adams
RlEeE L e e s s e e M. Davis
SeconiBaltony BN .0 e i i s Dt D. Gordon

The Be Threes presented by Bob Schlink

ORI L i s e i g G e P. Ellis
BIRICE IR o e b e e B i ot Sty ke B s b s J. Zawind
MalEteldl, o L G G gl e e H. Hancock

Naugahyde Windpipe presented by Bob Schlink

eVl o o e e e e e G i J. Hendrix
Bl e T S e et i o J. Hendrix
CrOSSIoadS - 0 s s e e L e e B. Johnson

Blue Afternoon presented by Randy Felts
A L EBVEE. ki i e febiu i i i v R el AR et s e Kosma
N BIES . i e e s U G it Ellington

Blue presented by Josh Rosen
Fovdr . o i D e e b e Davenport-Coole
Bilbnleaven . .. o i i e Mercer-Kosma

Brazilian Bossa Bacanas presented by Steve Wark
Giitl From IDBIRING. 8, i il i h i il S e e R s A.C. Jobim
FIOW BREnsitive . . e i b s s b sk e s A.C. Jobim

—S€€ OVEer—