Mon, 04/01/2024 - 17:00
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Berklee Performance Center Concerts

July 22 - Duo/Once I Get Home - Pianist Masako Hamamura and saxophonist
Yuval Cohen perform music of Charles Mingus, Thelonious Monk and original jazz
compositions for duo. Then bassist Christian Fabian Bausch presents his band “Time
Design” featuring Bill Vint, saxophone, Patrik Andren, keyboards and Antonio
Sanchez, drums, performing original music in the modern jazz stream.

July 23 - The Chris Baird Band - Faculty bassist/vocalist Tom Stein presents the
Chris Baird Band performing rock and blues originals as well as covers of songs by
Elvis Costello and Bob Dylan.

July 30 -The Bee Sting - Faculty bassist Joe Santerre presents original fusion music
from his first solo recording, “Straight Shooter,” for quartet with Dino Govoni,
saxophones, Paul Quattrochi, drums and Ross Ramsay, keyboards.

August 1 - Bob Schlink

August 7 - 5 Week Blow-Out Concert - The Five Week Summer Performance
Program winds up with this concert featuring some of the program’s best ensembles
ranging from small groups to big band and the five-week choir. Musical styles will
include rock, jazz and fusion.

August 8 - Le Hot Club de Berklee - Faculty trombonist/composer/arranger Phil
Wilson leads the Rainbow Band in an evening of original jazz.

August 12 - The Concert Choir - Under the direction of Voice Department faculty
member Anne Peckham, the Concert Choir Chamber Singers will perform a concert
of traditional choral repertoire including the music of Dello Joio with Colleen Henry,

The Performance Center at Berklee College of Music is a Ticketmaster outlet.