Mon, 04/01/2024 - 16:30
Edited Text

Recital Hall 1W, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston
Tuesday, July 2, 1996 4:00 p.m.

presented by
Enrico E. Cerretti and Alex Schaetzing

SRS CNEPIIORL o 0 e i e e e E. Cerretti
EWIHOvercome s . 00l e i et E. Cerretti
Al Pastics Bad TRE SRS = 0 L E. Cerretti
Make B Dance o e L et o E. Cerretti
SEMSIE. b Gl e e e R s A. Schaetzing
MERotes UL YOI . 0.0 i i e i o i e et E. Blake
CrontnGet Lo KROW YO0 0. i v e S L e e A. Schaetzing
Nostalgg thles: o e a R e e a s E. Cerretti
REOACORSE S e e e A. Schaetzing

The Performers

Clarinet, Enrico E. Cerretti, Pisa, Italy
Piano, Akiko Iwase, Tokyo, Japan
Guitar, Marco Soria, Calosso, Italy
Bass, Ray Yamashiki, Kyoto, Japan
Drums, Alex Schaetzing, Munich, Germany