Thu, 11/30/2023 - 17:34
Edited Text
- Pve Tried Him

under the direction of
Dennis Montgomery III

Overjoyed , —
Let Him See You Through ~ Jefferey LaValley :
He’s Worthy : : , - Kathy Taylor
Just Being You : Dennis Montgomerey I
Love Devine ' Richard Smallwood
I'm Encouraged ’ 7 Thomas Whitefield

Reverence Gospel Ensemble

God Is In Control James Hall
My Soul Doth Magnify The Lord O’Landa Drapper
Come Let Us Praise Him A.J. Wright
Guide Me Oh Thou Great Jehova Robert Lewis
I Made A Vow : Myron Williams
Oh Give Thanks : = Robert Lewis
I'm A Witness Dennis Montgomery III
Thank Ya’ Dennis Montgomery I1I
AllINeed | Thomas Whitefield

I've Tried H1m = = : Dernnis Montgomery I