Thu, 11/02/2023 - 16:46
Edited Text
Berklee Performance Center Concerts

November 7 Berklee Woodwind Workshop - The evening concert of the
Berklee Woodwind Workshop will feature George Young and Lew Delgatto of the
“Saturday Night Live” horn section. These artists will perform new works from their
latest album on Chiaroscuro Records. They will assisted by Joe Hunt, drums and
Richard Evans, bass.

November 8 Piano Department Student Concert - Small group jazz and
classical in a variety of instrumental settings, under the direction of department Chair
Paul Schmeling, will feature some of the most talented students from the Piano

November 10 Songwriting Faculty Concert - Compositions by the faculty of
Berklee’s Songwriting Department will be performed by a band comprised of
faculty, students and alumni under the direction of Department Chair Jack Perricone.
Faculty member Bob Weingart will perform “This Bottle and Me,” a song he co-
wrote with faculty member Pat Pattison that was used in the CBS movie, Shadows of
Deisre. Berklee slumna Didi Stewart will be featrued singing Songwriting depart-
ment faculty member Barbara Jordan’s song, “In A Dream”.

November 14 Brash Brass Bash IV - As part of Brass Day activities department
chair Tom Plsek presents a concert showcasing department faculty and special guest
artist, trumpeter Tiger Okoshi. In the first half, the Tony Lada Quartet with faculty
members Dave Weigert, drums, John Repucci, bass and Russ Hoffman, piano will
play original jazz and standards. In the second half the Faculty Brass Ensemble,
directed by Greg Hopkins will perform some of its repertoire and will then be
joined by Tiger Okoshi.

November 17 Corporate Night-The Berklee Jazz-Rock Ensemble - Corporate
Night is an annual event in which the college honors professionals in the commu-
nity who dedicate themselves to the enrichment of the arts. This year, the college
will be recognizing the contributions of TV Channel 4’s Arts an Entertainment
reporter Joyce Kulhawik. The concert will feature some of the best of the Berklee
Jazz-Rock Ensemble’s past performances including special highlights from several
commencement and convocation concerts. Senior Robin Spears will perform her
tribute to Jazz Divas and other featured vocalists include Jonathan Royal, Joe Freel,
LaQuinta Brown, Stephanie Kelly, Deanna DellaCioppa, Leland Simmons, Sherma
Andrews and Tim McCormick. They will be performing the music of Sting, Billy
JNoel, Ella Fitzgerald, Paul Simon and Nancy Wilson. The evening will also include
a special guest appearance by Performance Studies faculty member Livingston
Taylor. Corporations from and the Boston area have been invited to share in this
special evening.

The Performance Center at Berklee College of Music is a Ticketmaster outlet.