Mon, 08/07/2023 - 16:25
Edited Text

: ‘ :V,August 7

‘August 8
e August 1 3,

~June 5
June 14
June 19
June 27

- -duly 10
~ July 11
- duly 12

July 16

‘ July 19
July 25

July 26

July 31

August 3
August 2

A Concert directed by Alex Ulanowsky :

vCurrents d:rected by Mltch Coodley

‘ Warp 8, dlrected by Dick Lowell

; Tlme Will Tell, directed by Scott Free

Berklee Concert Series

BHAKTI directed by Alan Ett
Floresta, directed by Octawo Brito
Scot Scheer Sextet

Jackle Beard/ Mlke Grey Concert

The Dave Bazmet Qumtet 0

The Jeff Stout Quartet

An Evemng Wlth Wmter directed by Marty Wemtraub
Catharsis, dxrected by Shel Sondhelm

The Real Thing, directed by Edgard Nevarez

Jose Gomez In Concert

20th Century Wmds dlrected by Julia Rogers
The International Dues Band, dxrected by Phil Wilson
“Break A Leg” A Broadway Revxew directed by Peter Hazzard

: f‘and Tom Martin

An Evemng with Gary Kelly and Friends

Funk Producm Dlsco Inducm Rock Receptlon dxrected by

Pans - David Blrstem :

L August 14‘

Tt :August 15
~ August16

featherrain, dlrected by Pat Pattlson

Twofer and More — A Cabaret, directed by Marnie Andrews
Intematxonal Jazz Consortlum dlrected by John Kutten

Al co'hcert,é 'begirn; at 8:15 pm unless otherwise indicated