Mon, 08/07/2023 - 16:14
Edited Text
Berklee Concert Series
May 7 |

: May v8
May 9

: May 10

- May 14

My 15

- May 16

May 17

May 18

.'A Pop Song Fesnval a display of songs by some of
~ Berklee’s top pop writers, directed by Tony Tenxe:ra &
- John Aldrich.

Guitar Nite III, an evening of guitar music, dtrected by

- Guitar Dept. Chairman. William Leauvit:.

Percussnon Unhmlted a program of all percussive -
possibilities, directed by Dean Andersor:. :

"TCB 3%=5, the Berklee Jazz 'Rock Ensembie in

1940’s radio program, directed by Rober: Rose :
Michae! Gibbs Orchestra, an innovarive evening of

music, dlrected by Composer in- Resrdence M.mae
~ Gibbs.

The Productlon Co. presents‘ ....And A Pina
Colada, pop and pop rock nrsen‘u:e with voca115i<

directed by Rich Grudzinski.

- Berkiee Men’s Chorus Sprmg Concert. traditicna,

to con'emporary choraa music, cu'ected by Wagne

- Ward.
'Berklee Orchestra, an evening of classncaA mus &

directed by Jeronimus Kacinskas.
Annual Commencement Concert, a showcasze of

Berklee talent in an excmrg end-oi-year concert.

All concerts begin at 8:15 pm unless otherwise indicated.