Thu, 07/13/2023 - 14:34
Edited Text


Imthe Mir oo e e e Phil Collins
arr. by Tommy Kamp

BlackeandeBine: - oo i e o nn e Al Jarreau-J. Graydon
arr. by Andreas Fliflet

Long Distance Runaround. ............ J. Anderson-R. Wakeman-S. Howe
arr. by Ken Zambello

AtlantiesSoal:Medley oo o o i oo e e arr. by Richard Evans
LGarasWomans S, .o .. 5 a s i T oans R. Charles
Kngcdcon Wood -2 2xinat s o0 i s e S. Cropper
NaamleWomans == et e a. s as i o s s C. King
Hold=@a Fm Coming: - ;. -ciwain son i oor e Hayes—Porter
For WhatIt's Worth_. . ... . Ll S e o e S. Sulls
arr. by Michael Rector

TheMasquesade IS Over: = - o0 H. Magidson-A. Wrubel
arr. by Jon Dryden

Something Happened on the Way to Heaven ................ Phil Collins
arr. by Tommy Kamp

ThezAlefaeausMedleyses o s o i arr. by Jeffrey Strange
Weirenn: Fhis EoverTogether == -~ =2 —vn s 5 R. Murrah-K. Stegall
Mothin' ..o asa e o nrasen s s Al Jarreau-J. Graydon-D. Foster
Carloves, o 7 o e Al Jarreau-J. Graydon
Moonlighting 2= == ~= = = o Al Jarreau-L. Holdridge
Boogie Bown=— il iy o i e e Al Jarreau-M. Omartian
AnothesPay-in Paradise . 5. 7 v s o e Phil Collins
arr. by Michael Rector

Athbde RodeMedlcy . & -5 . 5. o arr. by Brian Montgomery
New Sensation = . .o .o == =mmes = M. Hutchence-A. Farriss
fgmplinePice s == e e M. Jagger-K. Richards
The Song Remainsithe-Sames . ~>. - 8.7 = & s i os J. Page
AcaiistPAl-Odds » == .m0 0 o D e e 2 Phil Collins
arr. by Shimako Arakawa

Operforss =i ey s s s e e W. Spivery
arr. by Richard Evans

SPatirc ciiui e i e e R et e G SR C. Corea

arr. by Tommy Kamp