Wed, 06/07/2023 - 17:08
Edited Text

B:rkl ee Per formance Center Concerts

Gos A , e-l Jubllee

IbeNew]erseyMass Cbmr, =
- AngeIaBenyman, er

,’Ibe Reverence Gospel Ensemble

Stmday Februaty 3, 1 991 7'00 p.m., Ibe Berklee Perfonnance Center

To kick off Berklee’ s Black Music Celebranon durmg the month of February, this =
celebration of contemporary and traditional gospel music will feature the renowned s
~ New Jersey Mass Chorr solorst Ange]a Berryman and Berklees own 45 voice Reverence =
Gospel Ensemble : e : : :

Smce its foundmg in 1981 by multl talented composer arranger and performer Donme
Harper, the New Jersey Mass Choir has garnered a huge following and a reputation as one
of America’s most spmtual and creative choirs. A collaboration with the pop group
Foreigner on “I Want To Know What Love Is” prompted a Grammy nomination and the =
choir received its own Grammy nomination for the album Hold Up the Light. They were

selected by Billboard magazine as Top Spiritual Artist of 1988, have toured Europe and the

~ Caribbean, and appeared on network televrslon wrth Pam LaBel]e on the specral “Motow
attheApollo “~ = ,

Angela Berryman isa nanve of Boston and has been srngmg professronal]y for 17 years
Formerly a vocalist with the King James Versron/New ng James Versron she is curremly
Z workmg on a solo prOJect for Light Records : : o

Under the drrecuon of Ensemb]e Department Chairman Orvrlle Wrrght and Denms

~ Montgomery III, Berklee's Reverence Gospel Ensemble of 45 voices with rhythm section :
- “meclsasa regularly scheduled ensemble. They frequently perform outside Berklee and

. “have travelled to New York Connectrcut and around metropoman Boston

: 'flCKI:'l'POflCY 'I'icketsforthisevemateslooofofthegemmlpublic. Betklee
~ students, faculty, ‘and staff with valid LD. arelhnitedtoonefi'eeticketunfilthcdayoft}m
= rshow $1000nthedayofthcshowavailablc. = =