Mon, 05/15/2023 - 18:05
Edited Text
November 13

November 14

Berklee P(:rf()r; 4140 1(:(: Center Concerts

FALL 1989


STUDENT CONCERT—Woodwind Department chairman
~ Matt Marvuglio presents various student woodwind ensembles

including sax quartets, flute trios, wind controllers in a concert
featurmg the dcpartments best student performers

BI- VOCALS Faculty vocalist Bob Stoloff opens this two—part
concert with the eight-voice a cappella ensemble Vocal Summit

‘performing a variety of musical styles 1ncludmg free-form improv-
isation, classical, jazz fusion, pop, and swing. In the second half,

faculty vocalist April Arabian presents the 12-voice Vocal Jazz

Ensemble performing jazz standards, classical ballads, pop, funk,
- and fusion, including several original arrangements by group

November 15

N ovember 16 :

- members and Ms. Arabian. They will be accompanled by a four-

plCCC rhythm section and horns.

"‘VOX ONE featurlng PAULA COLE Faculty member Steve 5y
- Prosser and vocallst/arranger Yumiko Matsuoka present Vox One,

an a cappella quintet singing reharmonized jazz arrangements of
old standards. Featured will be vocallst Paula Cole who Wlll also
perform with a trio. b . =

STATE OF THE HEART #3—Songwr1t1ng Department faculty A
~ member James Kachulis directs this concert of original songs in 2

o Varlety of contemporary styles composed by department faculty

November 20

' ROCK ARRANGING: LIVE!—C ommercral Arrangmg Depart
~ ment faculty members Lennie Pcterson, Brian Lewis, and Mirek
~ Kocandrle present the annual showcase of the best matex:ral from

the course Rock Arranging for Live Performance. Many styles from :

the pop/rock idiom will be performed in a variety of instrumental

settings, from three-piece power trio to seven- piece band w1th T

Vocals and 11- plece configuratlon addlng horns : e