Fri, 10/14/2022 - 17:34
Edited Text
John Moses
June 26th, 2014

Culminating Experience Proposal


Summary of the Project Completed:
Over the course of a year, I have been working towards developing both audio and visual material in conjunction
with the Signal Kitchen, a multi-purpose music venue, recording studio, and content creator located in Burlington, Vermont.
Signal Kitchen has an estimated one Terabyte (library) of live recordings that are being, or will be, used for promotional
purposes. The audio is organized in a way that each individual instrument tracked during live performances is recorded as a
separate file, or a stem.
Our goal was, and still is, to use these exclusive live stems to generate new musical content built from recorded past
Signal Kitchen performances.
The development of new musical content will be captured in a behind the scenes video series highlighting the creative
process as well as the musicians and bands incorporated and sampled within the project.
More specifically, the functionality of this project is as follows:

The project involves four principal parties: Signal Kitchen, external brand sponsors, original performing
artists, and licensed artists who are invited to participate.

Invited artists will be given access to the Signal Kitchen audio library and will use the live tracks as
components for new and original compositions. The creative process will be captured in behind the scenes
video vignettes that will feature both the vision and work of the invited artist while highlighting the
contribution of original performing artists.

Signal Kitchen will act as an intermediary between the participating artists. All recorded content and
selection of participants will be organized and controlled at Signal Kitchen’s discretion. Invited licensed
artists will receive technical and creative support from Signal Kitchen and will be the focal point of the
content produced.

The material accessible in the archive will be comprised exclusively from audio content of past Signal
Kitchen performances where permission has been obtained from original performing artists. Participating
artists allowing use of their original content will gain copy benefits through being cited on all project
announcements and promotions.

Ultimately, the project will not only act as method of brand expansion for Signal Kitchen but also as a creative
nucleus, connecting artists that otherwise may not normally work together. There is potential for mass outreach to a
significant and diverse target audience of music fans interested in a variety of different genres.
This project is multifaceted and will take a substantial amount of time to complete in a way that is thorough and
efficient. Initially, I proposed to finish the following by the end of the school year:

Culminating Experience Proposal

Primary Task


Necessary Sub Tasks

Outline project and define details with Signal Kitchen

Length of project (EP vs LP)
Budget and payment for parties involved


Clearly and concisely summarize project concept
Express mutual value for parties involved
Identify inspirations for project
Highlight similar projects and relevant statistics
Profile services provided by Signal Kitchen
List Signal Kitchen experience and work samples
Detail timeline for project
Communicate with design team for media kit


Conduct research and determine what artists and
sponsors are relevant and appropriate
Organize artist and sponsor market data
Package individual messages with media kit and
pitch to remixers and sponsors

Create media kit and pitches for remixers, artists to be
remixed, and potential sponsors

Develop list of and contact potential remixers and sponsors

Due to unforeseen issues with scheduling and communication, some of the expectations set at the beginning of the
project had to be adjusted throughout the year. The following work has been completed to date:

Primary Task

Necessary Sub Tasks

Outline project and define details with Signal Kitchen

Length of project (EP vs LP)


Clearly and concisely summarize project concept
Express mutual value for parties involved
Identify inspirations for project
Highlight similar projects and relevant statistics
Profile services provided by Signal Kitchen
List Signal Kitchen experience and work samples
Detail timeline for project


Conduct research and determine what artists and
sponsors are relevant and appropriate
Organize artist and sponsor market data

Create media kit and pitches for remixers, artists to be
remixed, and potential sponsors

Develop list of and contact potential remixers and sponsors

Culminating Experience Proposal


As with any partnership, the first step of this project was to pitch the idea to the co-owner of Signal Kitchen, Alex
Lalli. Though the idea for the project wasn’t yet fully formed, I knew Signal Kitchen had the necessary resources (audio
stems) to follow through with my plans. Additionally, my past relationship as a performer and consultant to the venue
allowed for our conversation to be open and casual. After our initial Skype meeting, I was asked to better outline what sort of
value might be generated for all participating parties.
During the early phases of planning, we had discussed the project being exclusive to audio content; rather than
having a separate visual element, Signal Kitchen would be the curator for a series of new audio compositions deriving from
past live performances. However, it was later decided that an audio product alone would not allow for significant value for
artists allowing their work to be sampled. As an artist, being cited as the source of an audio sample in liner notes does not
always provide substantial benefit. It was at this point where the idea for an accompanying video series came to fruition.
Incorporating a short video series following the making of each audio composition allows for viewers/listeners to access an
in-depth look as to what inspired the music and where the samples originated, thus adding value to artists granting permission
for their recordings to be used. Providing a visual element also would make the project appealing to sponsors, as it would
create another avenue to reach a wide variety of music fans.
Once the idea for the project had been laid out and agreed upon, a to-do list was developed depicting starting steps.
Primarily, the most important task of the preliminary responsibilities was creating a succinct, yet clear, proposal. From this
full-length proposal, a short visually stimulating version would be created to pass onto to artists and sponsors we aimed to
have participate in the project. This proposal went through a series of multiple drafts and was the topic of email and Skype
conversations for months. Mainly, establishing value for all parties involved with the project proved to be most difficult.
After it had been agreed upon that the long form version of the proposal was finished, the five-page document was cut down
into bullet points into a two-page quick read version.
Despite the proposal being time consuming, I was able to compile a comprehensive list of thirty-six potential
sponsors and over one hundred potential participating artists that I plan to later approach about participating in the project.
Specifically, I determined the location of the sponsor, professional field, mission statement, and previous related work. The
most likely sponsors to want to be involved with the project would have past experience with arts and music related projects.
Being a DJ for nearly a decade and a fan of electronic music, much of the artist selection in my list was based on my
personal preference of who might be best to remix the stems made available to the Signal Kitchen. The list of artists also
includes social media statistics, past performance experience, and management contact.

Culminating Experience Proposal


Results: Expectations and Reality
I expected to complete more of the project by the time the school year had ended. While I was able to finish most of
the work I had outlined in my Culminating Experience proposal, there were a few key tasks that have yet to be worked out. In
addition to what I have completed to date, I had originally planned to have a budget created and to send out initial contact to
potential artists and sponsors. As previously indicated, this work was affected by unforeseen difficulties in communication.
Shortly after Berklee received and passed the first Culminating Experience proposal draft, Signal Kitchen began
some large-scale projects. Over the winter, their venue underwent significant renovations. Following the construction, Alex
(co-owner) began to organize a festival and develop a separate branch of the company devoted to creating brand content.
Along with my busy schedule of schoolwork and interviewing for jobs, our agreed upon communications schedule soon fell
to the wayside. Much of our contact was maintained over email; the six-hour time difference between Valencia and
Burlington, Vermont caused delayed responses and often follow up emails were sent to verify whether or not Signal Kitchen
had received my original messages.
By nature my project is multifaceted and is, simply put, large-scale. However, I do believe that with stronger
communication we might have been able to accomplish more over the nine-month period.

Next Steps
Continuing the project would mean creating and refining informational material so that it is ready to be passed onto
potential sponsors and artists. A pilot episode of the behind the scenes documentary needs to be created to give sponsors and
artists and example of what a final product might look like. Second, the proposal needs to be adjusted so that it is visually
stimulating and easier to glance through. Lastly, financial and legal details must be confirmed before the project moves any
This work will be easier to do once I am working within the US. While I am in Vermont I will be able to effectively
coordinate with the Signal Kitchen video team and determine how much a pilot might cost and what resources it would
require. Similarly, I would be able to speak with some of the Signal Kitchen designers to discuss visual work on a new
proposal. Legal aid will perhaps have to be conducted through personal connections. Unfortunately, neither Signal Kitchen
nor I am in a financial position to spend money on an entertainment lawyer to suggest how we might carry out our project
legally. I intend to use my Berklee connections to see if we may be able to get legal advice at a low cost.
Once these details are resolved we will be able to create a budget that we will be able to present to sponsors. By
understanding exactly how much the project will cost and how it will work legally, we will be one step closer to contacting
artists and sponsors and creating audio/visual content.

Culminating Experience Proposal


Contribution to Profession
This project will help launch the Signal Kitchen brand farther into the public eye and is inspired by two different
brands based out of the United Kingdom: Fabric Live and Boiler Room.
Fabric is a venue located in London that specializes in showcasing electronic dance music. In early 2001, the venue
began sponsoring and releasing a series of DJ mixes featuring a variety of electronic producers representing the music that
would be played in the club on any given night. The mixtape series has enabled the brand to expand globally and to partner
with likeminded labels and organizations (Fabric Nightclub, 2013). Fabric has since become an icon in the realm of DJing
and is continuing to expand through variations of their initial brand equity.
Boiler Room is a web-based concert streaming services started by Blaise Belville, a young entrepreneur based out of
the UK. The project began as Belville inviting friends to perform live DJ mixes over a U-Stream web cam set up in his office
space and later evolved into a global music platform that now reaches out to millions per month (, 2011).
Boiler Room sessions are normally curated a single musician or record label and features anywhere between one to ten
performers throughout the show. The web based medium is not only appealing to world wide audiences, as fans are able to
access unique concerts for free, but is also appreciated by many musicians who see the Boiler Room as a chance for them
freely experiment and spend time with like-minded artists (Boiler Room, 2013). The success of Boiler Room is built on user
accessibility and the creative and collaborative structure of each event.
My culminating experience is more or less a mix between both of these business models. The idea is a combination
between the brand expansion of Fabric and the collaborative foundation of Boiler Room. Signal Kitchen would extend
internationally through releasing records and would be recognized as the architect behind a project that brings a wide variety
of musicians together.
Moreover, this project is entirely unique to other remix projects. Often times remix projects take the form of
compilation albums. Blue Note Records, for example, has released compilations in which many electronic music producers
are assigned to remix individual songs from the labels catalogue (e.g. Blue Note Revisited) (Dave Segal, 2004). Additionally,
remix projects can be focused on the reinvention of a certain style. Alternative electronic and rock label Friends of Friends
has released multiple compilations in which artists signed to the label remix pop hits from the 80’s, 90’s, and 2000’s (Pop
Massacre series) (FoF Music). Less often, remix albums feature one artist reinterpreting a catalogue of music. Blue Note
Records, in addition to its Blue Note Revisited album, licensed Los Angeles beat maker Madlib to remix select titles from its
catalog for a 2003 album entitled Shades of Blue (Sam Samuelson, 2004).
My culminating experience, while similar to the idea of Madlib’s Blue Note project (one artist remixing a
catalogue), would build upon the concept by allowing the remixer to take inspiration and material from a variety of tracks to
make an original composition rather than restricting them to only one. The unique nature of the project would be both new to
the music industry and a valuable tool for popularizing the Signal Kitchen brand. This proposed project would allow the
venue to expand while still staying true to their brand identity and aesthetic.
The visual element will act as a way for the project to reach a wider audience. Music fans will be able to not only
experience the music through mini behind the scene documentaries but will also be introduced, in detail, to the remixing
artist and the artists being sampled.

Culminating Experience Proposal


Impact on Student
Working on this project allowed me to experience first hand some of the lessons I was learning in class throughout
the school year. First and foremost, I found that plans do not always turn out the way in which you intend. Communications
between Alex and me, despite being detailed in my initial Culminating Experience proposal, ended up completely changing
and altering what we were able to accomplish during the year. This was also the case in a few Berklee courses, namely
Marketing during the first semester and Entrepreneurship and Innovation during semester two. In both of these classes, group
projects were difficult to navigate in that coordinating a team of students (as opposed to working as an individual)
complicated our preliminary plans to create and hand-in deliverables.
Second, and perhaps most important, I learned the importance of demonstrating the value of a project. Furthermore,
it takes time for a good idea to develop. Benji Rogers best illustrated this concept when he spoke about his company, Pledge
Music, describing that the full development of his initial idea took years to complete. There are many fine details that must be
ironed out before a project is brought forth to investors and sponsors. Pledge Music is great example of how a well thought
out and executed plan can lead to a successful venture.
Primarily, communication continuously played a critical role throughout my Culminating Experience. During the
times where Alex and I were communicating on a regular basis things moved smoothly and we were both able to accomplish
a great deal. In contrast, when we were unable to speak with each other for a substantial period of time tasks remained
unfinished and we were not ready to tend to other areas of the project.
It is my hope that upon my returning to the U.S. I will be able to facilitate better communication with Signal Kitchen
in an effort to move this idea passed its beginning stages and to a point where we can start licensing and creating brand new
content. I truly believe that this project will be able to generate value and cultivate meaningful artistic partnerships between a
wide range of artists as well as introduce a variety of new music to diverse circles of music fans. This Culminating
Experience has allowed me to experiment with what does and does not work and paves the way for focused and educated
efforts moving forward.

Culminating Experience Proposal

Work Cited
Boiler Room. "Boiler Room Media Kit 2013." Boiler Room. Last modified 2013.
fabric nightclub, london. "fabric nightclub, london ~ about." Last modified November, 2013.
FoF Music. "FoF Music » Pop Massacre." Accessed November 8, 2013. "An Interview With Blaise Belville of Boiler Room." Accessed November 8, 2013. Last Modified 2011.
Samuelson , Sam. "Shades Of Blue | Releases." Blue Note Records. Last modified 2003.
Segal, Dave. "Jazz Reviews: Blue Note RevisitedVarious Artists - By Dave Segal — Jazz Articles." JazzTimes. Last
modified September, 2004.