Fri, 10/14/2022 - 17:14
Edited Text
ODL Records Business Plan

Oscar Alberto De Lara Toribio

Supervisor: Alexandre Perrin

Berklee College of Music
Valencia Campus, Spain
June 2019


Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary
2. Company Overview
2.1. Company Description
2.2. Sector
2.3. Legal Form
2.4. State of Registration
2.5. Core Activities/Competitive Advantage
2.6. Main stakeholders
2.7. Mission statement
2.8. Values/mantra
3. Business Environment
3.1. Value Proposition
3.2. Pricing Policy
3.3. Customer Segmentation
3.4. Market Positioning
4. Marketing Strategy
4.1. Market Trends
4.2. Business Competition
4.3. Marketing Plan
5. Financial Projections
6. Implementation Plan
7. Evaluation Metrics and Control
8. Appendix


1. Executive Summary

ODL Records is an independent record label for mission-driven artists based in London,
England. The following business plan describes the company’s objectives as well as its
business model and services provided. The company’s mission is to promote missiondriven artists and their social agendas to a wider audience. These missions will start to
be more focused on mental health awareness and support campaigns, and in the future
might involve a wide range of social activism, all done through art.
Music has always been an important part of everyday life for most people around the
globe, and with the arrival of social media it is easier than ever to share ideas and news
in a matter of seconds. You put these two together and you get what we call in the
company, ‘Social Music’. This company relies on the idea of music being the motor for
social change, whether personal or general. The label will focus on signing and
developing artists who have something to say regarding mental health with hopes to bring
support to people who struggle with some sort of mental health problem.
A lot of people perceive music as simply entertainment. Others think of music as
something magical and essential for having a balanced and happy life. At ODL Records
we believe that there is still something more about music. More than entertainment. More
than magic. Something socially impactful.


2. Company Overview
2.1 Company description
Legal Name: ODL Records. The name derives from its founder’s initials (Oscar De Lara).
He is the president of the company and truly believes in music’s power to help guide
society in a better direction.
Activities: Record, Artist Development, Promotion
ODL Records is the home for artists who have a message to share with the world through
their art. The company focuses on signing, developing and releasing music from artists
who are driven by the need of contributing to the world from their hearts. It brings
messages of love and support to help the listeners in the toughest of situations through
Many well-known and established artists have opened up about struggling with
depression or oppression from either a country’s regime or someone from the industry.
These artists utilize different platforms in order to make their message reach as many
people as possible. One good example is Bruce Springsteen, a legendary songwriter and
performer whose energetic rock performances will most likely hide the fact that he
struggled with depression for a long time in his life. In his 2016 autobiography he raised
awareness in the subject by explaining that life can still be hard for superstars.
Two other great examples are Kesha and the drawn-out lawsuit against her producer Dr.
Luke that halted her career for years and caused her to become emotionally unstable,
and Divine, an Indian Hip Hop artist who started as an underground rapper singing about


poverty and political injustice in the streets of Mumbai. He is now considered one of the
most successful hip-hop artists in India and with increasing exposure in the western world,
and utilizes his music and reach as a way to raise awareness and help those who are
struggling with similar situations.
In ODL Records we want to provide a platform for smaller, up-and-coming artists whose
mission and music revolves or focus primarily in delivering messages of support and wellbeing.
2.2 Sector
The SIC code according to the Companies House website is 59200 for Sound Recording
and Music Publishing.
2.3 Legal Form
(ODL) is currently a Sole Proprietorship with plans on becoming a Limited Liability
2.4 State of Registration
The company will be registered and operated from London, England. The main reason
for choosing London is because of its rich music scene and home to many successes in
the music industry. The independent sector is currently booming which makes the
scouting process more effective. Another important reason for choosing London is the
owner’s already existing and increasing network of both artists who fit perfectly with the
company’s mission statement and experts in the industry.


2.5 Core Activity/Competitive Advantage
ODL records is at its core a record label, providing label services,mainly recording,
distribution and promotion to its roster among other services. These other services
include artist development(A&R) and Licensing.
The main difference between ODL Records and other record labels is its roster. Every
artist signed to this company wants to help people cope with mental health problems
and they plan on doing so through their music.

2.6 Main Stakeholders
The main stakeholders for this company will be like minded non-profit organizations
working to bring support to people who struggle with depression and other mental health
problems. We will look for these like-minded companies for partnerships in order to get
funds to launch records and projects from our artists. We believe that our artists can bring
value to their campaigns by either licensing the rights of one of their songs or, if both
parties so desired, even writing bespoke music to fit the campaigns. The idea is to partner
with well-known nonprofit and social entrepreneurs and license our repertoire not just to
make profit but also for promotional reasons.
Some of these companies might include: To Write Love On Her Arms, Young Minds,
Mental Health Foundation, NAMI, etc.


2.7 Mission Statement
ODL Records is a social enterprise utilizing traditional record industry practices in order
to boost mission-driven artists career with the hopes of raising awareness in multiple
social and mental health related issues.
At ODL we believe that artists are more than just an entertaining performer, they are
integral players in the grand scheme of things. We seek to teach the inhabitants of the
world a more efficient and enjoyable way to go through life by using music as a form of

2.8 Values/Mantra

Music for a good cause
Self-love through music
Music for the heart
Music that moves communities
Healing Music

3. Business Environment
3.1 Value Proposition
In an age where record labels seem to become less important as time passes for some,
some other artists find themselves at a point in their careers where they don’t know what
to do in order to advance. ODL Records LLC provides recording and other label services
for mission-driven artists looking for guidance and support for succeeding in this industry.

Classic Record Label Value Proposition

ODL Records’ Value Proposition

We provide an opportunity for artists to

We provide a SPACE for MISSION-

make a living from their music by offering


support from experts in the industry and

messages through their music and make

by using our contacts in our network in

a profit out of it. We do so by

order to promote their music.

collaborating with other social enterprises
and nonprofit organizations with similar


3.2 Pricing Policy
Like many other indie labels, ODL Records will follow a traditional business model of
exploiting its artists’ music and earn on a percentage on royalties as its main source of
income. At the beginning, most artists will be signed on a 360 deal tailored to what every
artist needs. The company will recoup any investment from any revenue stream in which
the company has been part of. In this case, at least until the business becomes profitable
and more stable, we will get an agreed percentage (50% for most cases) of sales, ticket
sales, sync fees, etc.
ODL shall act as a publisher and retain the rights of the compositions for a minimum of
one term however long is agreed on.
In the future, ODL Records will seek partnerships with organizations in order to maximize
the investment on the roster and elevate its reach to a higher level.

3.3 Customer Segmentation
The target market might vary for different artists tackling different social issues. However,
Achieve and the Case Foundation conducted a survey that shows that Millennials are the
biggest group looking for social change in many countries ("Millennials Still Taking Action
For Social Change, Survey Finds" 2019). They are also the ones who suffer from mental
health the most and are more likely to look for help in many forms, including music. It is
for these two reasons that the main target audience would be:
Demographic: Young adults between 20-35, Male and Female

Geographic: North America, Latin America, Europe, India, Middle East.
Characteristics: socially aware, likes to help others, currently or previously belonged to a
We have purposely selected these regions as target markets for two main reasons:
1. Political instability or change. Some of the artists we plan to recruit reside in
countries where changes in government in the past few years might have caused
distress in their citizens.
2. Established and emerging markets. The UK, the US and some European countries
are very strong markets in the entertainment industry. These shall be our focus;
however, we are aware that Latin America, India and China are quickly emerging
to be future forces to have on the radar.
3.4 Market Positioning
In terms of our position in the market, ODL Records is located in the same realm of indie
labels. If we think of Rough Trade Records, Warp, and XL Recordings it’s not too far off.
Smaller indies include The Sound of Everything in the UK and Tiny Engines in the US.
However similar our services might be to those of traditional record labels, it is our roster
and mission that distinguish us from other labels. Campaigns for social good have been
done countless times among other industries like clothing and sports. According to an
article in The Guardian, “less than 1% of all social enterprises currently registered with
the Social Enterprise Mark are working in an area related to music” ("Beyond Band Aid:
Technology Brings New Ways To Use Music For Social Good" 2019).


4. Marketing Strategy

4.1 Market trends
We live in a world where it is extremely easy to communicate with people around the
world and this is the first and most important thing for a company dealing with worldwide
artists like ODL Records to succeed. Another less positive aspect about the world we live
in today is that a lot of teenagers and young adults are struggling with anxiety and
depression. Music has always had an impact in a person’s mood and has an overall
emotional impact on individuals as well as on society as a whole. It is for these very
reasons many big and established artists are making campaigns to raise awareness on
mental health issues and possible ways to help dealing with that through music. For
example, Adele is known to have opened up to the public about her depression and many
of her fans expressed their gratitude in social media saying that having one of their biggest
influences talk about the subject helped them cope with their own problems.

4.2 Business Competition
Even though our main objective is that of making sure our artists are capable of achieving
their goals and have a healthy career, as a business it is very important for us to remain


on top of our game and not to fall behind on our competition. As a record label, our main
competition will always be other independent record labels, whether mission driven or
not, for the simple reason that not many people are doing the “music for a good cause”
as a main business model, but there are a lot of artists competing for audiences and
dominion of territory in the market. It is important to understand we are a social enterprise,
but we do primarily label services and therefore we do not see other social enterprises as
competition necessarily unless their main tool of work is music, specifically record sales
and artist promotion.

4.3 Marketing Plan

Before Business Launch
● Promote the company’s existence and mission through social media.
● Promote company’s presence at charity events and concerts.

Year 1
● Keep posting on social media about the company’s, as well as its first artist’s
relevance in the industry.
● Produce and upload quality videos and pictures to the website and social media
● Contact bloggers and PR agencies to get articles about the company and its
roster published.
● Start gathering emails for the label’s email list for future usage.


● Run social media campaigns.

Year 2

Create a newsletter for fans to receive products pre-release and personalized
promotional material.

Create a new section of the website where artists will post blogs about certain
topics and for easy interaction with fans.

By now, we expect that word of mouth propaganda is more feasible and effective
for a faster organic growth.

Present ODL Records at conferences and universities.


5. Financial Projections
These are just rough approximations based on previous data collected on living costs in
a small flat in northwest London. It is important to note that many things might change as the
business starts gaining some traction and more investment might be necessary. *





£ 1,000.00 £ 12,000.00













200.00 £ 2,400.00




£ 1,200.00




£ 1,200.00




£ 1,800.00




£ 3,000.00


£ 1,950.00 £ 23,400.00







£ 2,400.00




£ 3,000.00




£ 6,000.00





£ 6,000.00


£ 1,450.00 £ 17,400.00

We are aware that we will have loss on our first year of running the business. We will
focus on getting more funding and maximizing our other revenue streams as the business
starts growing.

6. Implementation Plan

Pre-launch of business
● Settle in London. Find an affordable flat where I can run the business from for at
least the first year.
● Open a bank account and all other necessary tasks in order to be completely
● Establish a network of producers, promoters and social entrepreneurs in
preparation for business and artists’ launch.
● Get all the paperwork done and register as an official company.
● Start looking for future artists to sign.
● Create a website


Year 1

● Sign first artist (Lauren Hooper)
● Develop a marketing campaign for her first release
● Get our first artist to collaborate with other songwriters in order to develop their
craft (A&R)
● Book first gigs and use as an opportunity for the company to have the company
make an appearance in the public eye and network
● Look for social organizations for potential collaborations.
● Release party for Lauren Hooper
● Evaluate this year’s performance

Year 2
● Work on Lauren’s next release
● Look for collaborations with other artists and organizations
● Get our artists to participate in conferences and festivals such as the BBC
Introducing and The Great Escape
● Sign 2nd artist
● Evaluate this year’s performance


7. Evaluation Metrics and Control
The Evaluation Method the will be used in our company will measure two main factors:
1. Profitability
Is the company generating enough revenue to break even and remain a viable
business? As a business it is very important to make sure that at the end of the
year we are over the BEP, and in case of loss not to let it fall under the minimum
margin. This shall be done by making a financial report at the end of each year.
2. Engagement
Are people engaging with our artists? This is very important as it goes hand in
hand with our mission. There is no point in running the business if there is no
significant engagement from the fans and with other social organizations as this is
the core of the company. Transmitting a message is the reason why artists will sign
with us. In order to measure this, we will not only see at data regarding ticket sales
or Spotify streams but also how much are fans engaging with the artists on social
media. This will be the main factor that will determine the success of the company.

Risks: One of the most notable risks for this business is that not enough people buy into
the idea of music for a social good. Whether most people consume music as
entertainment only or maybe they just don’t believe in its power to change. In this case
the business will fail to produce income and the company will have to make drastic change
to its strategy in order to survive.


8. Appendix

8.1 Artist 1: Lauren Alex Hooper. Mission: Help others who live with Autism and other mental health

8.2 Lauren’s first single, independent release, “Invisible” talks about dealing with autism.


8.3 Lauren’s main social media platform.

8.4 Lauren’s blog titled Finding Hope where she writes regularly about how she handles her mental health
situation in different occasions of her daily life.


8.5 Mental Health Organizations in the UK
8.5.1 Young Minds

Young Minds’ Wise Up campaign focuses on the wellbeing of students. ODL Records will seek collaboration
with Young Minds to bring Lauren Hooper to schools for lectures and workshops with hopes of inspiring the
next generation of socially aware artists and to battle against mental health stigmas existing in classrooms.
At the same time, we believe in word of mouth as the best form of marketing so this will be a great
opportunity for Lauren as the artists to increase her fanbase and maximize her statement outreach.
8.6 Mental Health Organizations in the United States of America
8.6.1 NAMI

The National Alliance on Mental Illness is one of the most active organizations tackling mental health issues
and has events and campaigns monthly. The US is one of the most depressed countries according to the
World Health Organization. We will pitch our artists to NAMI for them to participate in one of their campaigns
and promote songwriting workshops around the country to teach young people to express themselves
through music. With numerous trips to Nashville already done by one of our artists, Lauren Hooper, this will
be a great opportunity for the label to increase her already existing American fanbase and start promoting
her music to another important market other than the UK.


8.7 Bibliography
"Beyond Band Aid: Technology Brings New Ways To Use Music For Social Good". 2019. The Guardian.

"Millennials Still Taking Action For Social Change, Survey Finds". 2019. Philanthropy News Digest (PND).

2019. US News.


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