Fri, 10/14/2022 - 16:07
Edited Text
Erik Hasan Gomez is an audiovisual artist and engineer born in Monterrey, Mexico. He studied Engineering Physics at Instituto Tecnologico de Monterrey and Keyboard Technology
and Audio Engineering at Musicians Institute in Los Angeles, California. He is currently
studying a Masters Degree in Music Production, Technology and Innovation at Berklee College of Music Valencia.

Erik Hasan Gomez

Passionate about Psychology and Physics his art depicts the cognitive processes that take
place in the understanding and exploration of an apparently objective world.

+34 671 302 741

His art is focused on experimental animation compositions that are characterized by enhancing symmetry and symbolism. Subtle texture and sound changes reflect the contrasting
rhythms that the universe and our minds follow.

Erik Hasan Gomez


Audiovisual Installation

Through evolution we have learned to look for patterns as means for our survival, finding this patterns grant us with predictability, linearity and an apparent control over our reality.
Captivated by control, we have generated tools for categorization of our reality
by synthetically isolating the information that we want and disposing of the
Having this compulsive behavior of pattern seeking, how can we -as humanstell if we haven’t conditioned our behavior in a way to be analyzed with the
same eye?
Natural Order explores chaos in relation to our cognitive processes. Using experimental animation and symbolism, the themes of failed reductionism, sensitivity to initial conditions and strange attractors are explored in an effort to
accept our true nature as chaotic systems. The gallery of objects are extrusions
of the video’s objects as its main theme, it follows upon the main themes of the
video and catalyzes understanding.

Video Teaser Link:
The video is an experimental animation composition focused on object’s interaction symbolism. The
video is projected in 3 different panels making allusion to our current reductive paradigm. The panel
setup is exploited by intermittent imagery in each of them and a full continuous projection at the
composition’s pivotal moments.
Created using software synthesizers, analog synthesizers and composed specifically for the video, the
music enhances the rapid changes and contrast of the images. Subtle harmonies, sequences , noise
and glitches are used to generate focal changes and keep the viewer at the verge of sensory saturation.
The screens will be representations of chaotic systems such as magnetic fields, pendulums and
turbulent fluids. When interaction takes place the screens show a linear outcome and a chaotic outcome. The black box references the reductionist paradigm and how in this case when we try to look
inside we only find noise.
Technical Requirments
- 2 x Studio Monitors
- Audio Interface
- 2 x long speaker cables
- Video Projector: DVI or HDMI input/ min. 800x600 native resolution/
16:9 - Aspect Ratio.
- 3 white cardboard rectangles for
projection: 1 m x .60 m
- DVI cable
- Computer for playback
-3 pedestals for screens