Mon, 10/10/2022 - 20:28
Edited Text
The Berklee Women's Choir
Directed by Sharon Brown
Piano: Utar Artun, Ankara, Turkey

Salmo 150 (Psalm 150) Ernani Aguiar. b. 1950
Praise The Lord in His sacred places,
Praise the Lord in the firmament of His power,
Praise Him for His mighty acts,
Praise Him for His excellent greatness,
Praise Him with the trumpet,
Praise him with the psaltery and harp,
Praise him with timbrel and dance,
Praise Him with sings and pipes,
Praise Him with high sounding cymbals,
Praise him with cymbals of joy,
Let everything that has breath praise The Lord. Alleluia !

Set Me As A Seal Rene Clausen. b. 1953
(Text from "Song of Solomon")

Spells Bob Chilcott. b. 1955
(poetry by Kathleen Raine)
1. Spell of Creation (Reader: Alexis Colett)
2. Spell to Bring lost creatures. home (Reader: Erica Meerbach)
3. Spell of Sleep (Reader: Ann Markwell)
4. Spell of Safekeeping (Reader: Neo Gcabo)

Selections from "Missa Brevis in ¢ minor" Imant Raminsh b. 1943
With Orchestra
1. Sanctus and Benedictus. (Emily Rosenberg , soprano solo)
2. Agnus Dei (Sarah Stultz, soprano solo)

The Berklee Concert Choir
Directed by Ned Rosenblatt

SIR PATRICK SPENS. (Opus 23) Herbert Howells 1892 — 1983
With orchestra

Soloists: Jeong Wook Hur, Joseph Jaychan Lee, Kevin Flood

Program Notes:

Herbert Howells first set the Scottish ballad Sir Partrick Spens for baritone solo, choir and
orchestra in 1917. The vocal score was published in 1928 amd manuscripts of the full
score have survived at the Royal College of Music in London and the Bodleian Library,
Oxford. The work went unheard for over 60 years and any performing materials were
lost until the full score and parts were newly engraved for a performance in 2006 by the
Bach Choir of London conducted by David Hill. A second version of the work written by
Howells in 1919 for four solo voices, string quartet and piano has not survived.