Mon, 10/10/2022 - 20:02
Edited Text

Festival Te Deum (1937) ; Ralph Vaughn Williams
The Coronat1on of Britain's K1ng George VI was the occasion for
which this work was written. The tunes are all English folk melodies
and the arrangement for brass and percussion was written from the
orchestral score by John Bavicchi at the request of Oxford University

The Death Of Faust (Cantata #2) Op. 37 (1977) Peter Hazzard
5 : - 1949-
Brian O'Connell Tenor
- Thomas Russell Martin Bass
The Berklee Concert Choxr and The Berklee Concert Band


After ¥he successful performances of Vincent Persichetti's "Cele-
brations' one year ago, the idea of combining the Concert Choir and
~Concert Band on a regular basiswas conceived. Mr. Hazzard's thought
for this year's concert was to write a piece which would not only com-
bine the two groups again but also allow for some faculty soloists.
The Faust story had always been a favorite of Mr. Hazzard's and it
seemed a natural one to use with soloists. Mr. Hazzard gives the fol-
lowing notes on his work: "I wanted to feature Brian (0'Connell) and
it seemed natural to have Faust be a tenor. The idea of centering on
Faust's death came up because all of the major Faust works in the
literature (i.e. Gunod's "Faust", Liszt's Faust Symphony, Berlioz's
"Damnation of Faust'", etc.) deal with the whole story. It took six
months to complete "The Death Of Faust" including the writing of the
text. The work is dedicated to Brian 0'Connell and The Berklee Concert
Choir and Concert Band 3


Brian 0O'Connell (Faust) is chairman of the Vocal Department at
Berklee, conducts The Concert Choir and Berklee Chorale, and teaches
private voice intruction. Mr. O'Connell received his Bachelor's Degree
from Lowell State and is currently a candidate for M. Mus. Ed. Degree
from Boston Conservatory of Music. He is a former member of the Tangle-
wood Festival Chorus and is a former conductor of The Cambridge Chorale.

Thomas Russell Martin (Mephistofeles), a recent graduate of Berklee,
is now a member of the faculty. He holds a B.A. Degree in Theater from
Boston College and is active in the New England area as a Musical
Director and Pianist. He has been the Musical Director for four seasons
at the Keene, N.H. Summer Theatre


Peter Hazzard has been an active composer for over ten years. His
works have becn performed throughtout the eastern United States. His
more than forty compositions to date include works for Chorus, Band,
Orchestra and many forms of Chamber Music. Mr. Hazzard is Chairman
of the Music History and Analysis Department and, in addition to
Conducting the Concert Band, he teaches in the Compostion Department.
Mr. Hazzard has been Assistant Conductor of The Melrose Orchestra and
is currently the Assistant Conductor of The Arlington Philharmonic
Society Orchestra.