Mon, 10/10/2022 - 18:00
Edited Text

‘ ; Ontflberm

: October 16

October 17

October 30
November 2

anmbgr‘ 6


November 14
l : November 15
November 20

November 27

* November 29

3e rklee Concert Senes

Apkakanflthr afinwcmtemm:y iazz
group, directed by Maritess Salientes Allen.
films with scores byswdenmefthefilmmfisic :

dept., Coordinated by Don Wilki
The Overt:
directed by Bruce Gertz.

Lfie,amaflwmmfi,d«rwedhyctxw@ :

~ Tinterow.

Out At Hame, a small mtemmrarp ;azz gmub, s
directed by Dick Odgren.

* OM, a synthesizer/electronic mfisic grmm ef

jazz/rock variety, directed by Paul Lemcke.
The Boston Bone Ensemble, 10 trombones with

rhythm in mainstream jazz settm dmactefi hy Phil

The Hot Brass, a small Jazszek gmupm the swle oo

“Chase”, directed by Michael Plumleigh.

On and Off Broadway with Thom Troy, mahst
Troy, amdabackspmp mapmm of show
and pop music.

The Berklee Seniors Camp«itiou Fmiva! ;
contemporary classical chamber music by Berklee
students, directed by Keith Martin.

Decahedron +2, a small jazz group oombmed witha

small choir, directed by Ken Pullig.

Karen Evans in Concert, a cross sez:t’m of styies of
music, classical to jazz in small groups.

JKOBIE, a 21 piece big band in jazz, mk, and goapel
swle dmmsd by Wflham_ Jehnmn

cantempamry jazz settings, directed by Alex

The John Amaral Concert, a guitar gmup
performing contemporary music.

The Berklee Swing Orchestra, tradmonal big band
a la Basie, Herman, etc., directed by Robert Hores. -

- The Berklee Concert Jazz Orchestra,

contemporary big band jazz with original student
compositions, directed by Herb Pomeroy.

A Billy Norine Concert, percussion oriented
concert of a cross-section of contemporary music.
Five/Four...The Time Being, a small
contemporary jazz group, directed by Jim Burt.

A Concert of 20th Century Music, a Composition
Dept. concert providing an evening of

contemporary chamber music by facu!ty membars.
directed by B1I Maioof :