Mon, 10/10/2022 - 10:35
Edited Text
Berklee Performance Center Concerts
Spring 1980

» April 16 Steamer, one of Berklee's most versatile performers, Marnie Andrews, presents a
program of music that showcases her many and diverse talents. .

April 17 Hot Pursuit, composer/trombonist Rick Walsh leads his large ensemble in ap evening of
jazz that runs that gamut from mainstream to fusion. -

April 2| The Back Bay Boppers, Hendrik Meurkens leads his unique little group in its first
Performance Center concert, comprised of straight-ahead be-bop in a most unlikely
musical setting. 3

April 22 Mix & Match, a divided program that features the talents of Mimi Brodsky and
Claire Bureau respectively, two of Berklee's finest young vocalists.

Aprit 23 The Billy Norine Group, percussionist Bil Norine, a member of the faculty, present an
evening of small group contemporary jazz.

April 24 The Meeting, pianist Jeff Covell. a member of the Berklee faculty, directs his small group
through a program of contemporary jazz. -

April 28 The Berklee Concert Band, in their Spring concert, the Concert Band features guest
faculty soloists Deanna Kidd and Thomas Martin in the premier of a new work by
Conductor Peter Hazzard.

April 29 Doing My Thing, in her first BPC concert, Michal Beckham offers a program of music ¢+
that reflects the many styles of today’s scene. Matt Quinn directs the back-up gbup for this
most talented young performer.

April 30 Guitar Nite 1V, the annual Spring block-buster by Berklee's multi-faceted Guitar
Department directed by Chairman William Leavitt, this concert never fails to impress.

May | Chrysalis, the very talented Ruth Ristich, who was so prominently featured in last year's
“Struts & Frets™ returns this year with a presentation that displays the many facets of her
vocal skills .

May 5 Gradus ad Parnassum/Camera, a divided concert of two dramatically different styles of
music. After the first half of original contemporary chamber music, directed by Corey Allen,
the evening concludes with the music of Camera, a fine jazz fusion group directed by Mich

May 6 Berklee Jazz/Rock Ensemble, Berklee's dynamic Jazz/Rock Ensemble, directed by
Robert Rose, gives further evidence of their well-deserved reputation for exciting music.

May 7 Berklee Men’s Chorus, faculty member Wayne Ward leads the Berklee Men's Chorus in
a varied program of choral music.

May 8 When In Doubt, Change The Melody, Harmony Department Chairman Alex
Ulanowsky directs this program of original music that represents the best student
composed songs to come out of the Advanced Harmony classes.

May 12 The Ed Tomassi Quintet, faculty member Ed Tomassi leads his be-bop quintet through
an evening of straight-ahead, no-nonsense jazz.

May I3 Spring Concert — Berklee Concert Choir & Jazz Choir, the Berklee Concert Chorr,
directed by Brian O'Connell, in a varied presentation of choral music. Also included in the
program will be a segment by the Berklee Jazz Choir, directed by Stephen Prosser.

May 14 What D’ya Mean You Play The Voice — Take 2, vocalist Cheryl Hodge leads her
eight piece group in a concert of music that features many of the better young musicians at
the College. Jazz, blues. and funk are just a few of the styles in this intriguing program.

May 15 Thomas San Miguel/Among Friends, another two-for-one concert. Leading off is a
contemporary jazz quartet directed by Tomas San Miguel. The program concludes with

“Among Friends™" that features Somido, an exciting new big band directed by *
Paco Navarrete and Gerardo Suarez. .