Fri, 07/07/2023 - 10:58
Edited Text
Berkiee Performance Center Concerts

March 31

April |

April 2
April 3

April 7
April 8
April 9

April 10

April 14
April 16
April 17

Aprii 21

April 22
April 23
April 24

April 28
April 29

April 30

May |

Spring 19680

Airborne, student Mark Jones presents his group Fly By Night, in a program of jazz, funk
and rock.

Percussion Unlimited, charman Dean Anderson and other members of the Percussion
Department stage their annual Spring Concert of innovative percussion music.

7 + 5 Makes 12, faculty member Andy |affe presents a program that features two

~ outstanding 1azz groups. Following a first half that features his quintet, pianist Jaffe closes out

the evening with some big band jazz.

Dee Kohanna & Dominique Eade, Dee Kohanna, a member of the Berklee Faculty,
brings her own kind of 1azz to the Performance Center. Also sharing the evening will be
vocalist Dominique Eade. o :

Andrea & The Magnificent Eleven, vocalist Andrea Sommerstefh leads an eleven man
ensemble of Berklee's finest in a concert that blends a variety of contemporary music styles.
An Evening With The Dues Band, one of Berklee's most prestigious student
ensembles, directed by Phil Wilson, comes out-swinging with an evening of big band jazz.
Faculty Chamber Concert, an evening of chamber music coordinated by faculty
member Jeronimas Kacinskas.
Berklee Trombone Choirs In Concert, faculty trombonists Tom Plsek, Phil Wilson,
and Isham Peugh combine efforts to present therr respective Trombone Choirs in a cross-
sectional program of music.
Aipotu, facuity member Quinous Johnson, one of the area’s finest drummers. presents an
evening of music that bridges the many styles of today's music.
Steamer, one of Berklee's most versatile performers, Marnie Andrews, presents a
program of music that showcases her many and diverse talents. :

Hot Pursuit, composer/trombonist Rick Walsh ieads his large ensemble n an evening of
jazz that runs that gamut from mainstream to fusion.
The Back Bay Boppers, Hendrik Meurkens leads his unique little group in its first
Performance Center concert, comprised of straight-ahead be-bop in a most unlikely
musical setting.
Mix & Match, a divided program that features the talents of Minmi Brodsky and
Claire Bureau respectively, two of Berklee s finest young vocalists .

The Billy Norine Group, percussionist Bill Norine, a member of the faculty, present an
evening of small group contemporary jazz.

The Meeting, panist Jeff Covell. a member of the Berklee faculty, directs his small group
through a program of contemporary jazz.
The Berklee Concert Band, n their Spring concert, the Concert Band features puest

faculty soloists Deanna Kidd and Thomas Martin in the premier of a new work by
Conductor Peter Hazzard.

Doing My Thing, in her first BPC concert. Micha! Beckham offers a program of music
that reflects the many styles of today’s scene. Matt Quinn directs the back-up group for this
most talented young performer.

Guitar Nite 1V, the annual Spring block-buster by Berklee's multi-faceted Guitar .
Department directed by Chairman Willam Leavitt, this concert never fails to impress.
Chrysalis, the very talented Ruth Ristich, who was so prominently featured in last year's

“Struts & Frets” returns this year with a presentation that displays the many facets of her
vocal skills