Fri, 07/07/2023 - 10:51
Edited Text
David Friend 7Reoitat Hall Concerts

: February 25 : The Sal DiFusCo Project - Presented by guitar department’ ;

faculty member Sal DiFusco, this concert will contain elements of jazz,
rock, funk and fusion and feature compositions by Sal DiFusco, Wayne
Naus, Mike Stern, George Benson, Carlos Santana, and others. Featured
soloists include faculty members Wayne Naus, trumpet, Joe Galeota,

_percussion as well as Bob Bowlby, saxophone, Keith Kostic, trumpet,

Damon Carter, keyboards, Dan Foot, drums, Cecilia Colucc: Mike Pow-
ers vocals, Larry Jackson bass. .

March 2 - Pastel Blue - Composer, keyboardist/pianiSt Sachiko K pre- -
sents her original danceable fusion and latin tunes for her sextet with a
faculty guest. ;

March 4 - New Music at -Be'rklee-composltlon Department Faculty

Spring Concert - Faculty composers Thomas Allen LeVines, Leroy South-
~ers, Marti Epstein, Michael Weinstein, Arthur Welwood, Armand

~ Qualliotine and Alexandros Kalogeras will present fascinting new works in
- a wide variety of chamber musuc settmgs ranging from solo “electric”

: cello to wmd octet.

March 9 - Faculty “Trio Concert - Faculty members Bruce Saunders,
guitar; Joshua Davis, bass; and Marcello Pellitteri, drums; perform

original arrangements and compositions by Keith Jarrett, Joe Henderson, ‘

Thelonious Monk and John Coltrane

March 11 Esterhazy String Quartete - Reading and recordmg of student
composmons by the renowned quartet. (6:00 P. m start)

March 25 - SOmethIng old, Somethlng New - Faculty vocalist Lisa
Thorson, bassist Josh Davis and pianist Cho Yoon Seung will explore, in

duo and trio settings, a mixed program of jazz and contemporary classmal

pieces by Davis, Werner, Barber, Thorson and others.

Berklee '


1140 Boylston Street -
Boston, Massachusetts 02215-3693