Mon, 07/10/2023 - 22:33
Edited Text


Recital Hall 1W, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston
Friday, December 3, 1999 4:00 p.m.

Live Background Vocal Concert
presented by
Gabrielle Goodman

S T IR h it A R R L S The Doobie Bros.
T L TN I o e i b el T b Sk s i e i g P e James Taylor
NI L BVES DG HICIIEE.. . e L e e e Hawk Wolinski
L E e RS R AR R e AR o e LR i e 4eS LA Reid and Babyface
DR TR s i S i s e iese onns iR James Mtume

The Performers


David Altaresch

John Bennett
Matt Bobb

Laura Distasi

David Dribbon :

Jenna Eisenhauer Rhythm Section

Lindsay Hall

Kyoko Kasuma Piano, Andrew Johnson

gfi?ggb‘ifiggn Bass, Viadimir Samardzic

Dianne Wheeler Drums, Ferenc Nemeth
Kimberly Mathers
Shannell Anderson

Y Laura Clapp
L ¥ Angel Higgs
o Yumi Maekawa

» Nicole Phinney

Ben Ward

(i Case Roloff
Tonya Vivians
C.J. Azubuine
Andres Fierro

Kristen Long