Fri, 07/07/2023 - 15:56
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Berklee College
of Music ’
1140 Boylston Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02215
The Friends of Berklee is a membership organizétion of persons interested
in Berklee and the music world. They receive the following benefits:
e Preferred seating at all events taking place at the Berklee Per-
formance Center
@ Reduced rates at Berklee-sponsored events including the JAZZ
® Reduced rates at Paul’s Mall, the Jazz Workshop, the Cobpley
Plaza Merry-Go-Round, and Sandy’s Jazz Revival. :
e Advanced notification of all concerts held at Berklee
e Access to the “Friends of Berklee Reception Lounge” at the
Berklee Performance Center
e Invitations to special seminars and receptions
o A mohthly newsletter
® Two years of benefits for the price of one year (initiSl merhber-
ship period only)
Yes, 1 want to become a Friend of
Berklee. Enclosed you will find my
‘ : tax deductible check made out to
Membership Fees Berklee College of Music.
Participating Friend ~ $25
- Sustaining Friend $50 Name
Benefactor Friend $100
Corporate Friend $200 Address
Patron Friend $500
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