Fri, 07/07/2023 - 22:35
Edited Text
Berklee Performance Center Concerts
Fall 1981

September 16 The New Billy Norine Group — An evening of chamber jazz with Berklee
faculty member, award winning drummer/composer Bill Norine and his
new ensembile.

September 21 Power Flex — Original music that fuses funk and Jazz idioms is pre-
sented by faculty guitarist Ken Taft. Power Flex's featured vocalist is
Berklee alumnae Renee Quinn.

September 22 The Jimmy Mosher Quintet and Orchestra — Faculty saxophonist
Jimmy Mosher leads a divided concert; straight-ahead jazz in a quintet
setting in one half and big-band jazz in the other. Trumpeter Paul
Fontaine will be the special guest of the eveningand the personnel will be
predominantly Berklee faculty. -

September 23 Talmus Taylor — Trumpeter Talmus Taylor offers a wide-ranging con-
cert, mixing many styles of music in a variety of settings.

September 24 The Fringe — Directed by Rich Appleman and George Garzone. Boston’s
long standing avant-garde trio “The Fringe” returns to the Performance
Center. The group recently appeared at the Guggenheim Museum (NY) as
part of the “Kool Jazz Festival.”

September 29 The Mike Scott Concert — A 10-piece band of mostly Bérklee faculty
members performing arrangements and original compositions by Mike
Scott and pianist Larry Lofquist, in a variety of settings.

September 30 Center East — An evening of original jazz-rock music presented by the
Mark Clark/Bruce Torff Quartet. >

October 1 Some Good Tunes & A Few Bop Lines — Directed by Jeff Stout. A
program of straight-ahead modern jazz in an intimate small group
setting is presented by faculty trumpeter Stout.

October 5 Spice of Life — Directed by David Hammond. “Spice” plays all original
compositions written by members of the band. Styles range from latin to
swing; from jazz/rock to high-energy fusion.

October 6 Hastatras — A concert with a Jazz/latin flavour presented by the

Mexican vocalist Mili Bermejo. Featured composers are Evans, Rada,
Nascimento and Jarrett.

October 7 Susan Shanbaum in Concert — Vocalist Susan Shanbaum presents a
program that mixes rock, funk and pop styles of music.

October 13 The Greg Turner Concert — Student Greg Turner showcases his latin,
Jazz/rock and funk compositions written for small group and big band in
this, his first Performance Center concert.

October 14 The Third Dog Quintet — Faculty saxophonist Dan Harrington presents
his mainstream jazz group in a return concert.

October 15 Hypertension — Directed by Steven Jenkins. This group’s great talent
and musicianship combined with a flair for entertainment makes “Hy-
pertension” one of the outstanding funk bands in today’s music.