Fri, 07/07/2023 - 22:27
Edited Text
Visiting Artist Series

Josep Quer presents "Sardanas, The
Music of Catalonia”

As a passionated ambassador of Catalan popular music, Josep will offer a Master class on Sardanas,
the most popular of the Catalan musical genres, as part of a larger Mediterranean and Spanish musi-
cal tradition, followed by a duo performance accompanied by a pianist from the Berklee Community
featuring the music of his last album called Sardanes Obligades de Contrabaix - Mandatory Sardanas
for Upright Bass.

Established as a classical upright bassist in Spain, Josep Quer has played in well-known orchestras
such as the Euzkadi Symphony Orchestra, the Symphony Orchestra of the Great Theatre of Liceu,
the Orquestra Ciutat de Barcelona -now called OBC-, the Montpellier Symphony Orchestra and the
Emporda-Languedoc-Roussillon Symphony Orchestra for many years. As an educator, Josep Quer
also worked as a faculty in many Spanish conservatoires, specially in Euzkadi and, more recently, in
Lleida and is the Founder and Director of the Cobla-Orquestra La Principal de Vilafant. Invited by the
International Society of Bassists to play in Conventions and events held in Houston, lowa, Indianapolis
and Boston, he has offered many master classes abroad, such as the ‘Double Bass Master’ in Reding
(England) in 2000, a course on Spanish double bass tradition and original music at the Longy School
of Cambridge in 2001, and has lectured at The Manhattan School of Music in 2004 invited by
Professor Tim Cobbt, as well as at the Michigan University, among others. Josep is currently working
with Japanese organist Izumi Kando, with whom he is touring all over the world.

Estefania Nunez Villamandos: piano accompanist

Friday, April 19th Clinic
1:15 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.

Colvin Hall 1W

1140 Boylston Street

Student Coordinators: Joanna Obieta and Mar Fayos

Coordinated by Oscar Stagnaro, Berklee Latino - Executive Director MUSIC

Sponsored by Berklee Latino, and LMS