Fri, 07/07/2023 - 19:03
Edited Text

Ceremonial Music for brass and timpani, Op 82 (1978-82)
Greg Hopkins, Director

Fantasy for piano, Op. 15 (1955)
Jun Toguchi, pianist

Sonata No. 2 for cello and piano, Op. 25 (1956)
Arnold Friedman, cello , Louis Stewart, piano

Selections from Four Elizabethan Poems, Op. 3 1. Dawn
3. A Lament
4. Love Is A Sickness
Arlington-Belmont Chamber Chorus, Barry Singer, Director, John Kramer, Accompanist

There is Sweet Music Here, Op. 93 (1985)
1. Brioso
2. Adagio assai
3. Marziale
4. Moderato (con licenza)

Text of Elizabethan Poems
DAWN John Ford (1586-1639)

Fly hence, shadows, that do keep
Watchful sorrows charm'd in sleep!
Tho' the eyes be overtaken,

Yet the heart doth ever waken
Thoughts chain'd up in busy snares
Of continual woes and cares:

Love and griefs are so exprest

As they rather sigh than rest.

Fly hence, shadows, that do keep
Watchful sorrows charm'd in sleep!

A LAMENT William Drummond (1585-1649)

My thoughts hold mortal strife;

| do detest my life,

And with lamenting cries

Peace to my soul to bring

Oft call that prince which here doth monarchize:
But he, grim grinning King,

Who caitiffs scorns, and doth the blest surprise,

Late having decked with beauty's rose his tomb,
Disdains to crop a weed, and will not come.