Tue, 07/11/2023 - 08:49
Edited Text
A distinctive trait of Kevin Harris is his desire to constantly grow, evolve, improve, and

In looking to expand his skills as a composer, Harris set out to put music to the renowned
and significant thoughts shared by James Baldwin, in particular those from the book 'The Fire
Next Time".

The actualization of this idea is his project “Roots, Water, and Sunlight”, which comprises three
movements for a wind octet to be accompanied by rhythm section, digital instrumentation,
and recorded words of Baldwin.

Kevin Harris has assembled an extraordinary team of Berklee professors, alumni, and students
who have shown to have their own voice and are eager to bring the audience through this
journey. In this through composed piece, Harris' instrument will not be his piano. Instead he
will be at the very forefront, leading the ensemble in executing and delivering his message
through the notes he has composed.

In “The Fire Next Time"” Baldwin courageously addresses racial injustice in America. With his
composition, Harris aspires to convey, through musical expression, Baldwin's perspective on
how blacks and whites must transcend what they think they know, believe, understand and
fear, and that only by expanding their perception on both sides, they can fulfil and honor the
way society can and perhaps should be.

In the words of Baldwin: “Try to imagine how you would feel if you woke up one morning

to find the sun shivering and all the stars aflame” is the reminder that when our reality is
unexpectedly shaken up by presenting itself in a different way, it is only by engaging with this
new reality that we can actually find beneficial conclusions.

Baldwin’s unique understanding of the racial undertones of the 60’s seems to be quite close
to what we are experiencing today, where challenged realities are not met with a willingness
to evolve.

Harris' ultimate desire is that his music will inspire his audience to listen carefully, to be in
tune with all positive stimuli that surround us and continuously be committed to positive and
courageous changes.

1140 Boylston Street
Boston, Massachusetts