Sat, 07/08/2023 - 22:35
Edited Text

Celebration Overture (1955) Paul Creston

Although he was composing at age 8, Mr. Creston is com-
pletely self-taught in harmony, composition and orchestration.
He did not choose music as a life time work, however, until
he was twenty-six years old. He has written many works and
‘is currently on the faculty of Central Washington State College.

Short Suite (1950) Ulysses Kay

Born in Tucson, Arizona, Mr. Kay attended the University
i of Rrizona, The Eastman School and Yale University. He studied
at Tanglewood in the summer of 1941. His teachers have in-
cluded Howard Hanson and Paul Hindemith. Mr. Kay is one of
the country's best known black composers.

- The Short Suite is divided into four sections played
without a break: Fanfare, March, Lyric and Finale.


Jericho (1940) Morton Gould

Morton Gould began composing at age four and graduated
from New York University at age fifteen. He studied composi-
tion With Walter Piston.

"~ Jericho is programmatic in character, telling the story
of Joshua's battle in eight continuous movements. The work
climaxes with the falling of the walls followed by joyful and
dynamic hallelujahs: Prologue, Roll Call, Chant, Dance,

March and Battle, Joshua's Trumpets, The Walls Came Tumblin'
Down, and Hallelujah.

- The special trumpet arrangements used tonight are the work
of Mr. John Corley, conductor of the Boston Conservatory and MIT
Concert Bands. The members of the Berklee Concert Band thank
him for the loan of these extra parts for this performance.

The Soloist
Nathan Wilensky plays with the Berklee Concert Band for
the first time tonight. A senior in the Composition Department
at Berklee, he lives in Charleston, South Carolina. Mr. Wilensky
has studied with John Coffey and Ray Kotwica, and has also played
in numerous local groups for the last few years.