Sat, 07/08/2023 - 22:34
Edited Text

Berklee Performance Center Concerts

Apnl 2 —-The Crrcle of Life-A Tribute to Lee and Susan Berk — The Circle of
Life, A tribute concert to Lee and Susan Berk commemorating some of their

~accomplishments to Berklee in diversity, special programs, and community
~ affiliations. The performance features Berklee’s West African Drum and Dance,

directed by Percussion faculty member Joe Galeota. Special guests include
Xylophonist Bernard Woma (Ghana, West Africa), Shawn Hennesey (Phili. PA),

- Dorithy Masuka (Joberg. South Africa), Marimbira, and Darcel Wilson.

April 3 —'Matthias Lupri> Group & Antonio Sanchez - Modemn jazz vibraphonist :

Matthias Lupri will be performing modern jazz compositions with group and
special guest drummer Antonio Sanchez, for the final concert of Percussion
Week. With Walter Smith, saxophones Nate Radley, guntar and Thomson

. Kneeland acoustic bass

ApnI 5- Songwrlters Night 2004 The Songwrmng Department presents uts
annual “Songwriters’ Night” showcase featuring the best student songwriters and
performers that Berklee has to offer. As in past years, Songwriter’s Night 2004
will treat the listener of a variety of styles, including Rock, Alternative Rock, Pop,
Country, Metal, and Dance as well as a fusion of these styles under the direction

“ of department chair Jack Perricone and faculty member John Stevens. This

years winners are: Matt Pryor, Kate Klim, Maya Rogers, Mat Levass, Yvette
Rovira, Stacy Allyn Baker, Justin Molaison, Natalie Harris, Megan Kirschbaum &
Joel Dean Andrew Deuglass Rachel Loy, Tina Dawn and Jesse Terry.

April 7 — Writing Division Awards Concert- The Professronal Writing Dwns:on

- presents it annual Awards Concert featuring award-winning writers from the

division. The eclectic concert will feature works by David Utzinger (Composition),
Hsiu-Yun (Claudia) Yang (Contemporary Writing and Production), Freddie
Wiedman (Film Scoring), Oliver Rockberger (Harmony), Garth Stevenson (Jazz
Composition), Jesse Terry (Songwrmng) and Michael MacAIhster (Millican
Endowed Scholarshlp) . ; : S

i Apnl 12 Wayne Krantz - Renowned gurtanst Wayne Krantz performs as part of
: Guutar Week actrvmes :

April 13 Guitar Student Showcase’ Jau & Blues — Under the dlrectlon of

- faculty members Garrison Fewell and Curt Shumate, student led groups perform

in jazz and blues styles. Thisyears concert will include Casper Gyldensoe,
Masakt Minaml Kota Fufli Bryan Baker Masaharu Sasak: and Davrd Linshaw.

Sa Apnl 14— Jon Finn- Guntar department faculty member Jon an performs
- original rock as part of Gurtar Week actlvmes

| . Berklee


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Bos{on Massachusetts 02215-3693