Mon, 07/10/2023 - 09:10
Edited Text
“Berklee “Faculty Association
Goncert “Series

Groovamt Hhash . oo st T e Dizzy Gillespie
Body and-Soul rr—o l ot e e Green/Sour/Heyman/Eyton
The Boubte -t o oo s e e Lee Morgan

B T T v e Dave Bazinet
e e e s e .... Ray Nobel


A-Nisht " I TISTId o riecirves s s Dizzy Gillespie
Surrey With A Fringe On Top ........... Rodgers & Hammerstein
The Night Has A ThouSand Eyes ... iivoiicoe: .Bernier/B%ainin
Oy e e P e T e e T e o e e Gross

Youlre My BVETVERIMIE coreirs e Dixon/Young/Warren