Mon, 07/10/2023 - 07:29
Edited Text
The Egoscue Method:
Exercise Therapy for Music-Related Issues
Ana Guiqgui
Introduction to Estill Voice Training
Clare A1
clare Wicl
It Doesn’t Have to Be Rocket Science:
One Musician’s Take on Investing
for Retirement
s Wardenn
Greg vvarasor
'80s R&B Music:
The Beginning of Change in Black Music
—Jeff Ramsey
Master Class with Elizabeth Seitz
-Elizabeth Seitz
Performance Anxiety
~-Bob Lada
College and Conservatory
Listening Session
—Senior Leaders Panel
Sound Design with Modular Synthesizers
—Mlichael Bierylo
How Do | Get In? A Look Inside the
Audition and Interview (A&I) Process
Damien Bracken
In the Moment and On the Spot
—Bob Kaufman
The Time Machine
Renato Milone
—Kenato Milone
The Egoscue Method:
Exercise Therapy for Music-Related Issues
Ana Guiqgui
Introduction to Estill Voice Training
Clare A1
clare Wicl
It Doesn’t Have to Be Rocket Science:
One Musician’s Take on Investing
for Retirement
s Wardenn
Greg vvarasor
'80s R&B Music:
The Beginning of Change in Black Music
—Jeff Ramsey
Master Class with Elizabeth Seitz
-Elizabeth Seitz
Performance Anxiety
~-Bob Lada
College and Conservatory
Listening Session
—Senior Leaders Panel
Sound Design with Modular Synthesizers
—Mlichael Bierylo
How Do | Get In? A Look Inside the
Audition and Interview (A&I) Process
Damien Bracken
In the Moment and On the Spot
—Bob Kaufman
The Time Machine
Renato Milone
—Kenato Milone