Thu, 07/06/2023 - 18:34
Edited Text
Berkiee Performance Center Concerts
Fall 1980

November 17 Pink & Blue, faculty vocalist Joyce Lucia in a program of contemporary music.

November 18 The Berklee Concert Jazz Orchestra, directed by Herb Pomeroy, Berklee's oldest
and most prestigious big band jazz ensemble returns in their annual concert.

November 19 Flute & Friends lI/A Cheeze Little Burger, a divided program featuring two
outstanding student groups. the first directed by Lance Martin and the second by Art

November 24 Happy Things With Flat Rats & Sail Cats, one of the fun groups of the series in a
program of music that touches on Rock, Country, Blues, and Funk, directed by Mike

November 25 Berklee Count Basie Band/Among Friends, another ‘‘two-for-one'’ concert that

presents two big bands, the first half is directed by faculty reed player Berke McKelvey.
and the second half is directed by student Gerardo Suarez.

December 2 Holiday Concert — Berklee Concert & Jazz Choirs, the annual Vocal Department
Holiday Concert, directed by chairman Brian O'Connell, features a mix of traditional
and jazz music. -

December 3 Music Education Jazz Band/Another Sound Idea, an evening of big band music
featuring a divided program with two outstanding groups, directed by Wayne Naus and
Daryl Stogryn respectively.

December 4 Passages — Contemporary Jazz Ensemble, Michael Rendish, the Chairman of the
Electronic Music Department, leads this large group that mixes acoustic instruments with

December 8 Berklee Concert Band, directed by Peter Hazzard, the Berkiee Concert Band
presents its usual lively program.

December 9 An Evening With Dues Band, the International Dues Band, directed by Phil Wilson

returns to highlight the semester with its usual exciting program.

December 10 Mandinga/Caught In The Act, Mandinga. led by student guitarist Dan Roth, opens
this divided concert with jazz in the Brazilian style. Closing the act is, Caught In The Act,
a show based on music from Broadway productions and movie soundtracks.

December || Dial Anywhere, Takin’ Care of Business, always one of the most exciting concerts
of the year, the Berklee Jazz/Rock Ensemble, directed by Robert Rose, returns with its
usual flair.

December |5 Ruthie Who?, one of the most outstanding vocal talents around, Ruth Ristich presents a
program that showcases her versatile talent.

December |7 Mike Gibbs Band, Mr. Gibbs, the composer-in-residence at Berklee, leads his fine
student ensemble in a program of original music.