Thu, 09/22/2022 - 12:25
Edited Text
Thestring instruments which are sometimes used in a dancé
orchestra are the vidin, viola, and cello.

The violin has four strings, tuned G D A E. There is no


transposition necessary. Practical range:


The viola has four strings, tuned C G D A. It is written
mainly in the alto clef. To transpose from concert to viola,
lower the concert tone a second, and railse one octave.

Practical range:

CoNCERT yiosd ! '.‘-' &

The cello has four strings C G D A. It 18 a non-transposing

instrument but is written in the bass clef.



Transpose your song for violin, viola and cello. Then make a
trio giving the violin the melody, the viola the next har-

mony, and the cello thelowest.