Thu, 09/22/2022 - 12:24
Edited Text

When the root of the chord i1s in the bass (lowest tone)

the chord is in root position.

¢ F1 24
When the thirdof a chord is in the bass, it 1s in 1its

first inversion.

When the fifth of a chord is in the bass, it 1s in its

second inversion. 2% Iue
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Construct the following chords. Place them in rocot po=-
sition andthe two inversions.

Bb MajOrececcscscccceesl MiNOrecececseeDTececscecesFO

Ab MajorececcccescesceD MiNOrececeseETeeccceeced Major

Eb MajJOreeeeccecoccceesAbDTeoccssceceEDTecceceeelbT