Thu, 07/06/2023 - 13:29
Edited Text
David Friend Recital Hall Concerts

January 24- Danny Mo's Jam Fest 2005-
Danny Mo's Jam Fest is a celebration of
music featuring Danny and friends playing a
variety of grooves that will make you feel
good and ready to start the spring semester
on the good foot. Jam band style improvisa-
tions laden with funk, soul, reggae and sur-
prises will be the music style of the evening.

January 26- Don't Try This At Home - The
Berklee Country Music Ensemble- The
Berklee Country Music Ensemble under the
direction of faculty guitarist Mike Ihde, per-
forms top country hits as well as instrumen-
tals in classic country, western swing, and
rockabilly styles. An exciting and entertain-
ing evening of Hot Country and Blazing
Instrumentals performed by Berklee's best
Pickers and Singers.

January 31- Composition Dept. Faculty
Concert- Original music by faculty members
in the Composition department will be pre-
sented under the direction of Jonathan

February 2- William Silvio

February 3 [4:00 p.m.]- George Russell Jr. -
Faculty member George Russell Jr. presents
an exciting blend of jazz, gospel and funk
originals and cover tunes. His band will
include Wesley Wirth on bass, Sean Skeete
on drums, and spoken word artist Robyn

February 7- Shade — Daculty vocalist David
Thorne Scott performs jazz for his quintet
from his new recording, Shade.

February 8- A Tribute to Aretha Franklin: An
Evening of the Blues - Vocalist Minna-Lisa
Mattsson performs the music of legendary
vocalist Aretha Franklin with a rhythm section

Berklee College
of Music

1140 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02215-3693

and five horns. Drawing from her early reper-
toire Minna-Lisa will include blues, pop/rock
and some jazz selections including such hits
as, Think, Do Right Woman, Respect and
Rock Steady in original arrangements and
some Covers.

February 10 [4:00 p.m.]- April Thomas -
Pianist April Thomas presents originals and
standards in a jazz/funk idiom featuring
vocals and a special arrangement of a spiritu-

February 14- Jazz Vocal Series- Under the
direction of faculty vocalist Maggi Scott, stu-
dent vocalists will perform jazz standards by
Cole Porter, George Gershwin, A.C. Jobim,
Duke Ellington and others accompanied by a
rhythm section including Scott on piano.

February 15- The Music and Life of Bob
Marley with Roger Steffens - The Music and
Life of Bob Marley class at Berklee College of
Music will be hosting the world renowned
reggae and Marley historian Roger Steffens
in a 2-hour multi-media event celebrating
Black History Month and Marley’s 60th birth-
day! The event will begin with Steffens illu-
minating many interesting facts, stories and
personal recollections of Marley’s life
enhanced by the presentation of rare audio
and video clips from Steffens’ famous
“Reggae Archives”. The event will conclude
with a rollicking performance of Marley’s
music by the members of the Music and Life
of Bob Marley performance studies class,
directed by Matt Jenson.

February 16- Storytellers- Voice department
faculty Didi Stewart presents her students
performing pop/rock songs by contemporary
singer-songwriters. Storytellers performers
reveal the stories behind the song making for
a personal, intimate concert experience.