Thu, 07/06/2023 - 10:10
Edited Text
Visiting Artist Series
Tenor - Eric Jose Mendoza Masterclass

This masterclass will be about how Mexican vocal music has evolved over the years from the pre-Hispanic age to
today. | will give examples of music genre types and explain where they came from. The emphasis will be primar-
ily on vocal music. During the masterclass | will interpret Mexican classical music and popular music. | will explain
how the bel canto technique is reflected in Mexican music.

The purpose of the masterclass is to make known the origin of our Mexican music, learn from where it emerged
and what relationship it has with music from around the world, as well as exposing the classic Mexican music and
other types of genres that perhaps others do not know about.

Eric José Mendoza is a Mexican-American tenor who frequently performs in theaters in the United States and
Mexico. He graduated from the University of lllinois at Urbana-Champaign with a degree in Music with an empha-
sis in pedagogy and performance. He is a member of the National Fraternity of Music "Phi Mu Alpha."

For several years Mr. Mendoza lived in Mexico, that's where his passion for Music and operatic singing began.

Mr. Mendoza did his basic education in Mexico before going to the United States. He graduated from CBTIS #

83 (Actopan, Hgo.) With the best GPA of his specialty (Informatics). He also attended the private music insti-

tute "ARS" where he stood out as the best student. After finishing high school he began his studies at the
Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo "Institute of Arts" (Real del Monte, Hgo.) But he was there for
only one year.

Mr. Mendoza has a strong passion for his culture and for Music Education. He serves as an advocate for immi-
gration rights and brings music to communities in need. Over the past few years, he has returned to the United
States and has been actively teaching and singing. Thanks to his passion and delivery on stage he has won several
awards. He has been a recipient of full scholarships to opera programs in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Salt
Lake City, Italy and Spain during the summers through the famous annual "Classical Singers Competition" held in
Chicago and Boston. Mr. Mendoza has also performed with the Chicago Symphony Choir under the direction of
Maestro Ricardo Muti.

Mr. Mendoza has given recitals and concerts in his university community, the cultural center of Chicago, the
Mexican consulate in Chicago, "La Casa cultural latina", the Detroit Institute of Arts, and in the celebration of
Mexican Patriotic Festivities in Detroit, Ml and Chicago, IL. During the summer of 2018 he was in Europe giving a
concert sponsoring Mexican classical music in Switzerland and in Czech Republic.

His past operatic and musical theater performances are: "Riley / Hortensio" in Kiss me Kate, "Chino" in West
Side Story, "Snout" in Midsummer Night's Dream, "Don Ottavio" in Don Giovanni, "Alfred" in Die Fledermaus
and "Monostatos" in Die Zauberfldte. To learn more about Tenor Eric José Mendoza visit his website at www. or follow him on Facebook @TenorE/Mendoza.

Mr. Mendoza will accompanied by students:
Paulina Camou - Voice
Santiago Bertel - Piano

Thursday, November 8
1:15 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Colvin Hall, 1w

1140 Boylston Street

Co-Sponsored by LMS

. " e MUSIC
Coordinated by Oscar Stagnaro STUDIES

Student Coordinators: Joana Obieta and Jimena Caballero