Wed, 07/05/2023 - 16:14
Edited Text

We would like to extend our deepest appreciation
and gratitude to all of the donors, foundations,
and supporters who help make Berklee City
Music scholarships and programs possible.

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Paul Deninger, Chair Giles McNamee
Roger H. Brown Sharmila Ray
Bryan Abreu Carmichael Roberts Jr.
Krystal Prime Banfield Jeff Shames

Ted Cutler David Sprows
Andrew Davis Clayton Turnbull
Mark Edwards Neal Vachhani
Steven Holtzman Jeffrey Walker
David Lissy J. Curtis Warner Jr.
Malcolm MaclLeod Lee Whitmore
Linda Mason T. Murray Wilson
Jose Masso

Education Outreach

The President’s Office of Education Outreach supports the college in its commitment
to cultural, artistic, and educational development through partnerships,
programming, scholarships, and public service through music.

Berklee City Music Mission Statement

Berklee City Music is a nonprofit program that provides music education
to 4th through 12th-graders in underserved communities.

City Music Core Values

Respect - Excellence - Access - Diversity - Innovation