Wed, 07/05/2023 - 15:54
Edited Text

Berkiee Performance Center Concerts
Spring 1960

April 17 Hot Pursuit, composer/trombonist Rick Waish.leads his large ensemble in an evening of
jazz that runs that gamut from manstream to fusion.
Apri 2| The Back Bay Boppers, Hendrik Meurkens leads his unique little group in its first
Performance Center concert, comprrsed of straight-ahead be-bop in a most unlikely
musical setting. : - >
April 22 Mix & Match, a divided program that features the talents of Mimi Brodsky and [ )
Claire Bureau respectively. two of Berklee's finest young vocalists.
April 23 The Billy Norine Group, percussionist Bill Norine, a member of the faculty, present an
. evening of smali group contemporarv j1azz.
April 24 The Meeting, pianist Jeff Covell, a member of the Berklee faculty, directs his small group
through a program of contemporary jazz.
April 28 The Berkiee Concert Band, in their Spring concert. the Concert Band features guest ®
faculty soloists Deanna Kidd and Thomas Martin in the premier of a new work by
: Conductor Peter Hazzard. ;
April 29 Doing My Thing, in her first BPC concert. Michal Beckham offers a program of music
that reflects the many styles of today's scene. Matt Quinn directs the back-up group for this
mast talented young performer.
April 30 Guitar Nite IV, the annual Spring block-buster by Berklee's multi-faceted Guitar
Department directed by Chairman William Leawitt, this concert never fails to impress. .
May ! Chrysalis, the very talented Ruth Ristich, who was so prominently featured in last year's
“Struts & Frets™ returns this year with a presentation that displays the many facets of her
vocal skills
= -
May 5 Gradus ad Parnassum/Camera, a divided concert of two*jramatxcfiliy different styles of
music. After the first half of original contemporary chamber music. directed by Corey Allen,
the evening concludes with the music of Camera. a fine jazz fusion group directed by Mich i
Saito. ' 2
May 6 Berklee Jazz/Rock Ensemble, Berklee's dynamic Jazz/Rock Ensemble, directed by
Robert Rose. gives further evidence of their well-deserved reputation for exciting music.
Mav 7 Berklee Men’s Chorus, faculty member Wayne Ward leads the Berklee Men’s Chorus in
a varied program of choral music.
May 8 When In Doubt, Change The Melody, Harmony Department Chairman Alex
Ulanowsky directs this program of original music that represents the best student 2 Y
composed songs to come out of the Advanced Harmony classes.

Mzv 12 The Ed Tomassi Quintet, facuity member Ed Tomassi leads his be-bop quintet through -
an evening of straight-ahead, no-nonsense 1azz.

Mav 13 Spring Concert — Berklee Concert Choir & Jazz Choir, the Berklee Concert Chorr,
directed by Brian O'Connell, in a varied presentation of choral music. Also included in the
program will be a segment by the Berklee Jazz Choir, directed by Stephen Prosser.

May 14 What D’ya Mean You Play The Voice — Take 2, vocalist Cheryl Hodge leads her 2
eight piece group in a concert of music.that features many of the better young musicians at >
the College. Jazz, blues, and funk are just a few of the styles in this intriguing program.

Thomas San Miguel/Among Friends, another two-for-one concert. Leading off is a
contemporary jazz quartet directed by Tomas San Miguel. The program concludes with
“Among Friends™" that features Sonido. an exciting new big band directed by

Paco Navarrete and Gerardo Suarez
