Wed, 07/05/2023 - 12:34
Edited Text
Berklee Performance Center Concerts

February 23-Write of Spring- This concert
features original works of Jazz Composition
Department faculty under the direction of
department chair Ken Pullig. This year's con-
cert features original works of Jazz
Composition Department faculty Scott Free,
Jeff Friedman, Jackson Schultz and Bill Scism.
This years concert will also feature invited
faculty composers Darrell Katz from the
Harmony Department and Richard DiMuzio
from the Ear Training Department. Most of
the performers in this concert have played in
this series since its inception. Many are facul-
ty but we are pleased to have some of
Berklee's outstanding students players added
to fill the few holes in the band. In the trum-
pet section we have Mat Owens, Dave
Johnson, Ken Pullig and Greg Hopkins. The
sax section is comprised of Daniel lan Smith
and Shannon LeClaire on alto, Dino Govoni
and Bob Patton on tenor with Linda Little
playing baritone. Playing trombone are Bob
Pilkington, Karin Harris, Robyn Amy and
Jason Camelio. In the driving rhythm section
we have Bruce Thomas on piano, Jackson
Schultz and Scott Free on guitars, Michael
Farquharson on bass with Bob Tamagni play-
ing drums.

February 24- Hip Hop Part Il - Justin Hughes
presents Hip Hop in concert with faculty
advisor Ron Mahdi. This concert will take a
journey through the history of hip-hop start-
ing from the early 90's to the late 90's,
bringing back songs from the floetic lyrics of
Lauryn Hill to the unique rhyme scheme of
Slick Rick, KRS-One and others.

March 1 - Piano Department Student

Berklee College
of Music

1140 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02215-3693

March 2 - All Keys Night - Faculty members
Suzanne Davis, Dave Limina, Doug Johnson,
Bob Christopherson, Neil Olmstead, Dennis
Cecere and Bob Winter, Tony Germain and

Russ Hoffman perform in a variety of styles

as part of Piano Week activities.

March 3 - Joey Defrancesco — Renowned
keyboardist Joey Defrancesco performs a vist-
ing artist concert as part of Piano Week activ-

March 8- Whats Your Style? - Contemporary
Writing Production Student Composer
Concert-CWP Majors will be writing for a 20
piece ensemble | a divers amount of styles
ranging from rock and funk to swing and
Latin under the direction of department chair
Matthew Nicholl and faculty member Dan

March 9- Michael Camillo

March 10- Women's Music Network -

Women Musicians Network is proud to pres- «

ent its 8th annual Berklee Performanc Center
showcase. A highlight of Women'’s History
Month, the show features original composi-
tions and arrangements produced and per-
formed by Berklee woman students. This
year’s line up includes Latin jazz, pop, folk,
Celtic, alternative rock, Gamelon, tango, and
Christian rock. Join us in celebrating the tal-
ent of Berklee women.

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