Wed, 07/05/2023 - 09:34
Edited Text

Recital HalllW, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston

Tuesday, August 5, 1997 4:00 p.m.

Lullaby Of Berklee presented by Bain Smith

Do ¢ Get Around Much Anvmiore. o0 anl Ll DL e ki, Duke Ellington
RIBLE. s e e e g L e, Jobim
Well X Needn't . o o e i B i e e Monk

The London Underground presented by Bain Smith

Mp Cleah s o N e s s St i Irvine Weldon
London Underprouhi® BIMES U li il L G il S Hancock-Rogers-Smith
Eittle Smiflower . e 00 e e el o e e 0 Freddie Hubbard

Conglomeration presented by Gaye Tolan Hatfield

RS Bie. s et e e e e Uzi Feinerman
Sottlv. As'In A Momila Suprise. o L ini ot ol il e sin s Sigmund Romberg
Jeff Stout Ensemble

RECIR @ b e Benny Harris/Don Sickler
Rise To The LoDl L i b e i dl s e e as James Williams

Flying Flutes presented by Jerry Cecco
BAETINeVeE. o nh L e e e s Dick Odgren
FOUR DS i e i e e e Wes Montgomery

Give It Back To Ya! presented by David Cowan
yoodoo Child (ShehtRetamyc sl sl Jimi Hendrix/D. Cowan
IWanbYou(She'sSoHeavy) & f i bd ol s i s J. Lennon-P. McCartney

Five Week Fusion presented by Scott deOgburn

WatermelonMan i r e s G i s e e D e H. Hancock
Poletke Bddie v o oo e i v . B e i J. Scofield

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