Tue, 07/04/2023 - 12:56
Edited Text

under the direction of


Amazing Gr&ce Medley. . i v s v i'vis o v v o Traditional
PIecionn Tord . .ol v vilih o oy F 0 T Save
I Love The Lord . . . . .s '« + . 'Richard Shawood Singers
Elsian Rock . @ .. J wiite s i i palebter et abon”
I Enow The Man . . .. .o'e v % Inatitutional Choir‘
What Good Is A Song(Dancers). . . . . . . . Quincy Jones
fou Are The Sunshine . . . J i 4w . .« The Clark Sietere

Joy @ The Tovd o oo Wl naaes o o 0 0 DU MaTl len
Endowed Me .. . o0 vk e ety s The Clank Stetorg
T Surrender All (Quartet) .., 00 . i Winfield Weeden
We Expect Yom ¢ - o G R Ra L s ey S0 Aeve Dvouch

Ho Satasties . . . . ., i ov seiaab v DR LLe Wrloht?
Keep Your Head To The Sky . . . . . . FEarth, Wind & Fire
Po You Know The Lord: s/t v 40w . Btea D. Harrigmm

All selections arranged by Lisa Hgrrigan except *