Fri, 06/30/2023 - 15:56
Edited Text
We would like to thank members of the BTOT Planning Committee for their
dedication and commitment to a successful BTOT.
BTOT Planning Committee
Michael Abraham
Kenn Brass
Linda Chase
DJ Hatfield
Hey Rim Jeon
Barbara LaFitte
Craig Macrae
Diane Richardson
The Office of Faculty Development would also like to thank Bill Pierce, the staff of
the Berklee Performance Center, Concert Operations, and Meetings and Events for
all of their contributions and support.
Faculty Development Team
Roya Hu, Associate Director
Ricardo Poza, Senior Technology Specialist
Ashley Flood, Communications Coordinator
Anjelica Montemayor, Administrative Assistant
Berklee College of Music
1140 Boylston Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02215-3693