Fri, 06/30/2023 - 15:56
Edited Text
Berklee Performance Center Concerts
Fall 1960

November |7 Pink & Blue, faculty vocalist Joyce Lucia in a program of contemporary music.

November 18 The Berkilee Concert Jazz Orchestra, directed by Herb Pomeroy, Berklee's oldest
and most prestigious big band jazz ensemble returns in their annual concert.

November |19 Flute & Friends /A Cheeze Little Burger, a divided program featuring two
outstanding student groups, the first directed by Lance Martin and the second by Art

November 24 Happy Things With Fiat Rats & Sail Cats, one of the fun groups of the series in a
program of music that touches on Rock. Country, Blues, and Funk, directed by Mike

November 25 Berklee Count Basie Band/Among Friends, another ‘two-for-one’’ concert that
presents two big bands. the first haif is directed by faculty reed piayer Berke McKeivey,
and the second half is directed by student Gerardo Suarez.

December 2 Holiday Concert — Berkiee Concert & Jazz Choirs, the annual Vocal Department

Holiday Concert, directed by chairman Brian O'Connell, features a mix of traditional
and jazz music.

December 3 Music Education Jazz Band/Another Sound ldea, an evening of big band music
featuring a divided program with two outstanding groups. directed by Wayne Naus and
Daryi Stogryn respecrtively.

December 4 Passages — Contemporary Jazz Ensemble, Michael Rendish, the Chairman of the
Electronic Music Department, leads this large group that mixes acoustic instruments with

December 8 Berkiee Concert Band, directed by Peter Hazzard., the Berkiee Concert Band
presents its usual lively program.

December 9 An Evening With Dues Band, the internationai Dues 8and. directed by Phil Wilson
returns to highlight the semester with its usual excitng program.

December |0 Mandinga/Caught In The Act, Mandinga. led by student guitarist Dan Roth, opens
this divided concert with jazz in the Brazilian style. Closing the actis, Caught In The Act,

a show based on music from Broadway productions and movie soundtracks.

December Dial Anywhere, Takin’ Care of Business, always one of the most exciting concerts
of the year, the Berklee Jazz:Rock Ensemble, directed by Robert Rose, returns with its

usual flair.

December |5 Ruthie Who?, one of the most outstanding vocal talents around, Ruth Ristich presents a

program that showcases her versatcile talent.

7 Mike Gibbs Band, Mr. Gibbs. the composer-in-residence at Berklee, leads his fine
student ensemble in a program of original music.
