Fri, 06/30/2023 - 12:16
Edited Text
Berklee Performance Center Concerts

~ March 23 - Singers Night - Outstandmg student vocahsts and instrumen-
talists representrng all semester levels, as well as faculty, will performina

‘variety of styles mcludmg jazz, R&B, Pop/Rock and Alternative under the
direction of Voice department Singers’ Night Team. Featured singers in-
clude Vasco Hexel, Kevin Douglass, Amanda Perko, Lauren Nelson, An-

: gela Rossi, Clair Wadsworth, Laura Brunner, Glenn Romero, Georgel

Arevalo, Anjuli Gonzalez, Nadine Ford, Jean-Carlos Casely. Samantha
~ Sidley, Amaryllis Ultterlmden Reglna Damels lngnd Gerdes Smanatha
~ Nelson and Mary Maples. 2

; March 25 — Internattonal Folk Festzvat - The 18th Annual lnternatnonal :

- Folk Music Festival will feature students perforrmng the music of Italy, Scot-

land, Indonesia, Columbia, Ireland, Venezuela, U.S.A., South Africa, The
Middle East, and the Caribbean. The show will be followed by a big party in

~ the cafeterla This concert is sponsored by the Yo Team and the Office of

- Student Affairs, and is part of Song s Nothmg Conservatory About It Con— '

cert Senes :

March 29 — Poleock lee The 16th annualRoek Arrangmg Live concert :

highlights the best music written by some of the most talented student
songwriters and arrangers. Under the direction of faculty member Mirek
Kocandrle this concert will present a variety of original compositions as

“well as new arrangements of standard rock/pop repertoire featunng some e

of the college s fi nest vocalrsts and mstmmentahsts

'March 31 = Ralph Peterson Sextet Facutty drummer Ralph Peterson

_ presents his sextet performmg 1azz as part of Percussron Week actrvmes :

Aprrt 1 — Latin nght wrth Mlkael quuist & Egure Castnllo Faculty -

‘percussionists Mikael quurst and Eguie Castrillo perform Latin musrc ina
variety of semngs as part of Percussron Week actrvmes S

- April 2 - The C|rcle of Llfe ATrrbute to Lee and Susan Berk -A trlbute :
concert to Lee and Susan Berk commemoratmg some of their accomphsh- :

ments to Berklee in diversity, specual programs, and community affiliations.

- The performance features Berklee’s West African Drum and Dance, di-

‘ - rected by Percussion faculty member Joe Galeota. Special guests include
thophomst Bernard Woma (Ghana, West Africa), Shawn Hennesey (Phili.
PA), Donthy Masuka (Joberg South Afnca) Manmblra and Darcel erson



2 1140 Boylston Street —
Boston, Massachusetts 022153693